This Cracks Me Up – IOTW Report

This Cracks Me Up

… but maybe not in a fully respectful way.

This seems like an SNL skit (especially the part about Joe Biden’s memory.)

9 Comments on This Cracks Me Up

  1. Speaking of Susans
    Guess who was just on TV this AM
    John “Postal Pizza” Kasich with some Susan
    Guess what???

    He said Biden must beat Trump
    He did not say Biden will beat Trump
    The Republican said that Joe Biden MUST beat Trump

    See the Diff, Karen?

    The Traitors were always in your midst

    Just Now on CNN



    They help you mourn after you have been scammed.
    A Book Report
    Doctor Fees Apply as a Thera-Pist

    It is all a scam
    That IS the scam


  3. Wow
    Good thing the 5 hasn’t started yet
    I would have missed the latest

    Evelyn Farkus of Her Own Incorp McCain Corp
    Moved over to CNN after this AMs msNBC appeal
    And she has lots pf friends that need money for their legal works in foreign countries.

    And on msNBC
    David Jolly (Retired-R) of Scarborough A Fairs had a near mental breakdown over the loss and realizations of now versus then.

    Glad I saw all that
    Hope you did or will to

    How long til the Five?

  4. Remember Kasich? Yeah I do! For those that don’t:
    This is the dumb bastard who lied and denied about the traffic ticket he received on Route 315 in Columbus and subsequently called the polite Police officer an “idiot” until the dash-cam video came out and forced him to admit to it and apologize to the officer. John Kasich also signed the Republican Loyalty Pledge to support the Republican nominee, who ever it was, and then told us on national television that he would indeed support Donald Trump. We watched him reneg on both promises as well as embarrass himself by asking the Republicans to have their convention in Cleveland and then not even show up. He has demonstrated beyond any doubt that neither his signature or his word are not worth a bucket of warm spit!

    With his words a man makes covenant and his signature is evidence of his covenant.
    A man is only as good as his word. If a man says he will do something, he does it.
    If a man makes a promise, he keeps it.
    If a man signs his name to a document, he abides by the all rules and statements of the document.
    When a man breaks his word, he breaks all credibility.
    When a man breaks his word, he is a not a man, he is a boy, and should be treated as such.
    Real men know and understand this. A man´s word is the measure of his character and his integrity. John Kasich has neither. Kasich is a vindictive, pathetic liar. He is navel lint. He is nothing more than a worthless, gutless welch who is simply not qualified to hold public office let alone the public trust, which explains why he sides with a bunch of squirrelly, double-dealing democRATs!


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