This Day In History: President Reagan Proposed The “Star Wars” AntiMissile Technology – IOTW Report

This Day In History: President Reagan Proposed The “Star Wars” AntiMissile Technology

American Military News: Reagan’s speech marked the beginning of what came to be known as the controversial Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI). It gained the nickname “Star Wars Initiative” after the iconic sci-fi Hollywood film.

Reagan made nuclear arms control one of the key positions in his administration. The program called for building a network of ground-based and space-based systems to protect the U.S. from an intercontinental ballistic missile attack.

By 1983, talks with the Soviets were stalled because they couldn’t decide what kinds of weapons should be controlled, what kind of control would be instituted, and how compliance with the controls would be assured.

The proposed program Reagan was in favor of called for the use of antimissile satellites utilizing laser beams and other means to knock Soviet nuclear missiles out of the sky before having a chance to strike the United States.  read more

6 Comments on This Day In History: President Reagan Proposed The “Star Wars” AntiMissile Technology

  1. Reagan was mocked for this initiative. “It would be like hitting a rifle bullet with a rifle bullet.” Now it can be done. With today’s threats there is no doubt we are safer with this technology that was inspired by President Reagan. Thank you President Reagan.

  2. President Reagan beat the Russkies and
    BROKE them. I still remember waking up and
    seeing T-80’s shooting at the Kremlin on
    the TV. What a glorious morning. Many he
    truly rest in peace.

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