This Election Could Be YUGE – IOTW Report

This Election Could Be YUGE

We are mere weeks away now from the election and unofficial polling is coming up with some surprisingly consistent results when the two major candidates are matched against each other.


It all comes down to turnout and the two candidates continuing to tread as they have since the conventions.

11 Comments on This Election Could Be YUGE

  1. “It all comes down to turnout and the two candidates continuing to tread as they have since the conventions.”

    Yes, and no.

    It depends also on how far the left is willing to cheat on election night with the electronic voting machines, and WHO counts the votes.

  2. “…and the two candidates continuing to tread as they have since the conventions.”

    Only one of them is treading. The other one is being dragged around like a duffel bag full of tapioca.

  3. If there is a monster registration that favours Trump then I don’t think even the Democrats can manufacture a cheat big enough to overcome the shear numbers voting for Trump and likely downstream GOP candidates.

  4. Just a reminder to all our friends at IOTWReport — Stop by your library, elections office, fire stations, etc. and grab a stack of voter registrations. Don’t assume every person you talk to during your day (even if they support Trump) is registered!!

    We are each responsible for GOTV!!


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