This Explains a Lot: Corrupt Georgia Elections Official Gabriel Sterling is an Unhinged NeverTrumper – IOTW Report

This Explains a Lot: Corrupt Georgia Elections Official Gabriel Sterling is an Unhinged NeverTrumper

And now there is proof that Sterling had it out for Trump.
We know this because he tweeted about it.

In February 2016 Sterling tweeted out that Trump must be stopped!

18 Comments on This Explains a Lot: Corrupt Georgia Elections Official Gabriel Sterling is an Unhinged NeverTrumper

  1. The never Trumpers are an integral part of the coup. Just as Paul Ryan was working in the dark conspiring with the Democrats to scuttle Trump’s efforts to overturn Obamacare these bastards are a threat to the republic that is just as perniciousness as those progressives who are out of the closet. These never Trumper’s loyalties are to the progressive movement. They are progressives and progressives are progressives first, last and always. They are closeted progressives, but dedicated and committed progressives none the less. Progressive = Marxist = Progressive. Arrogant self identified masterminds who are invested in increasing innocent human suffering, misery and death.

  2. Here’s the dealio. It’s perfectly OK not to be a Trump fan under this Republic. But when you decide to commit voter fraud to get your Nazi elected is when we decide to hang you by the neck. Bitch.

  3. “This is bigger than me”.
    Of course silly, that’s what makes it a conspiracy, a cabal, iow a bunch of traitors.
    But be comforted to know YOUR criminality is still special and worthy of harsh punishment.

  4. @nunyo bidness — That second link in your comment, also from Gateway Pundit: What’s up with the side of Ralph’s head? He’s wearing some kind of glasses, but the right side of his head (facing the camera) has a big knot at the temple and what look like scratches — and there is no temple piece to his glasses. Am I seeing things?

  5. If you’ve seen this guy speak even once you know he’s just plain unhinged.
    He sounded so desperate at his first press conference where he said Trump claiming there was election fraud was violent inciting. It’s almost like he knows he’s going to get caught at his part in the attempted election theft.

  6. @JD Hasty, I read the piece at that link you posted about Ruby.
    Sounds like she’s going to have to spend her bribe money on a lawyer now.
    I hope she is the first to start singing.
    That would also shut up the lying liars in the propaganda networks.


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