This Guy Is on Track to Make $100,000 a Year Decorating Bananas – IOTW Report

This Guy Is on Track to Make $100,000 a Year Decorating Bananas

I had a joke, but never mind.

decorated bananas

OddityCentral: We think ‘Bananas Gone Wild’ beats Potato Parcel hands down in terms of most ridiculous business idea ever. But hey, what do we know – both services, started by Texas entrepreneurs, have proven to be insanely successful. While the latter involved sending people messages inscribed on raw potatoes, this newer venture is all about decorating bananas and selling them for $10 a piece.  more here

5 Comments on This Guy Is on Track to Make $100,000 a Year Decorating Bananas

  1. well someone sold pet rocks and someone supposedly voted for obama.

    only point being, that if we divided up all the wealth in the world equally amongst the inhabitants, how long do you really think it would be before the wealth was all concentrated in 1% of the inhabitants hands again.

    it’s called human nature.

    selling decorated bananas.

    who buys this stuff?

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