This Happened On This Day – IOTW Report

This Happened On This Day

Did you know?

I didn’t


ht/ fdr in hell

20 Comments on This Happened On This Day

  1. It’s depressing to think the years of WWII are the best years for our military and those years are behind us. Their mission was clear. Their wins were celebrated. Japan’s defeat was unequivocal.

    Make the Military Great Again!
    Trump 2016

  2. my uncle was a medic with the marines, first wave to the beach

    he was dropped off the boat too early, too deep, thought he would drown before getting to the beach

    he came back a greatly changed young man, shared stories with me as a young boy (and photos) that haunt me to this day

    knew the pima indian ira hayes well

    it is amazing what young brave men can do, not even old enough to have been thru college

    god bless our troops, fu to those who disrespect our military

  3. That was way back when America was America and the military was pro American! Those young men were willing to fight and die for their country now most of the young men are anti-American and are more than willing to lay on their backsides and take any and all politician proffered freebies!

  4. on a related subject, you may be interested in reading about the battle of peleliu, the 70-something day battle of hell that was so important to the philippine offensive

    note that surrender by the japanese is rare, and of the almost 11,000 japanese in this battle, all were killed (or died by suicide) with exception of a handful

    this was pure hell, fought by incredible marines

  5. My Mom’s older brother a World War 2 Marine, my late Uncle Bob Eastman was there and within 100 yards of Mt. Suribachi when the Marines raised the flag. He witnessed the raising of the flag that day 71 years ago. He survived that battle and some others and came home and lived in the Boise, Id. area till the early 90’s when he died. Most of us who are baby boomers like myself owe them a lot of gratitude for what they did.

  6. From a letter my dad write to my mom, nine months after end of the war., he was on a ship passing eerily by;
    “Passed island of Iwo Jimo – quite a sight and gave me quite a feeling to pass so serenely by knowing what had taken place there not so long ago. The beaches still have scattered wrecks of landing boats and airplanes. Mt Surabachi was right next to us as we passed by and we could see the names of the caves where the Japs were entrenched.”

  7. My friend Walt Oelerich, survived Iwo Jima Last month he left Mass in Farmington NY and crossed the street to buy a powerball
    ticket He was struck by a car and died of the injuries. Walt was 89. A great guy. I’ll miss his Emails. R.I.P.

  8. My Mother was born on this day! Thank you God for such great parents.

    A local artist painted this scene one the side of a building in town, with the flag pole going past the roof and a flag attached to it. It is amazing. Would love to take a few pictures of it and send them to you if you will post them.

  9. From last week:
    World War II ‘Hero of Iwo Jima,’ John Keith Wells, dies in Arvada

    Scripps Media: “He didn’t make it to the top, because he was shot multiple times by the Japanese, but he was still able to direct his men on their mission. They raised the first flag on the mountain. “

  10. Wow! I’ve never seen that 2nd pic before. It compliments the first ‘well known’ pic so friggin well. And you get a bit of a glimpse to the islands’ harbor and docks/jettys that the Japanese relied on, and how close our guys were to that action. Amazing.

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