This Has Been the Cause of Death of 10% of All Humans Who Have Ever Lived – IOTW Report

This Has Been the Cause of Death of 10% of All Humans Who Have Ever Lived

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27 Comments on This Has Been the Cause of Death of 10% of All Humans Who Have Ever Lived

  1. …and malaria was reduced to insignificance by DDT until Democrats fear mongered it out of existence.

    …increasing death and human misery, creating fear for political power. Its what they’ve always done, and always will do.

  2. Millions of people saved from malaria by…….

    Hydroxychloroquine (also known as
    hydroxychloroquine sulfate) is an arthritis medicine
    that also can be used to prevent malaria. It is
    available in the United States by prescription only.
    It is sold under the brand name Plaquenil and it
    is also sold as a generic medicine. It is available in
    tablets of 155mg base (200mg salt).
    You should know that the 155mg base tablet is
    the same as the 200mg salt tablet. It is just two
    different ways of describing the same thing.
    Hydroxychloroquine can be prescribed for either
    prevention or treatment of malaria.
    This fact sheet provides information about its use
    for the prevention of malaria infection associated
    with travel


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