This is a “prank”? – IOTW Report

This is a “prank”?

On 16th Birthday, Dad Walks Her out to New ‘Car’ Then Pulls Back Tarp to Show off What’s Underneath

“Darling, this is for you.”

This sort of bothers me, this video. This implies that anything short of a new car is a “zonk” from Let’s Make a Deal.

I would have been thrilled with whatever that vehicle is, and so should she. You know what I got for my 16th birthday?

A new pimple.

h/t zip a dee doodah!




19 Comments on This is a “prank”?

  1. …Nice parents (read: good ones), do not pull elaborate pranks that involve getting your child’s hopes way way up there. This particular prankster is just lucky that his daughter is a good sport and clearly loves her ‘dear old dad’ because I think that he’s a bit of a schmuck.

  2. Teens have enough problems with emotional spikes and troughs. That father is playing with matches. Females are very clever at masking their true feelings when they want, her “good sport” attitude may be a ruse while she makes plans to get her revenge. He should get a food taster.

  3. I caught about ten minutes of a show called “16 and Spoiled” where the 16 year old had a crying temper tantrum because her parents bought her a brand new silver Porsche – she wanted a red one.
    “You’re ruining my life!”
    That scene stuck with me as the absolute peak of ungratefulness

  4. I thought this was lovely. It is obvious from the home and surroundings, that this family doesn’t have money laying around for a car for their daughter. She knows it. She is thrilled with the surprise and happy to receive what her dad has made.
    Were every family so blessed with children that appreciate the effort.

  5. A neighborhood family, back in MD, son got his driver’s license and crashed and died on the way home.
    Automobiles are NO joke. Mass and Momentum.
    I hope these people spent as much time instilling the seriousness of driving as they did the presentation.

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. My sweet 16th birthday? Do you know what my parents did for me?

    Took me to Chuck E. Cheese. Yeah. I got socks / underwear / and a music tape of a band I didn’t like. I got to play some skeeball, and the animatronic rat said happy birthday.

    I would have LOVED to get a scooter to zoom around in.

  7. First, know your audience. Obviously dad and family are jokesters, and knew their daughter could take a joke.

    If I wanted to pull a prank like that, I know two of my daughters would love it, the third, not so much.

  8. @Graceia, Agreed.
    That family has a great sense of humor that goes much further than dollars and cents. I once asked our teenagers (ages 5yrs apart) what they liked most about our family. Thinking the answer would be something akin to ‘we know we are always loved’, what I heard independently from the both of them was, “our family’s sense of humor.”
    So I say, “Good on you Dad!”

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