This is definitely not terrorism /sarc – IOTW Report

This is definitely not terrorism /sarc


The FBI has joined a criminal investigation of what police said appears to be an “intentional attack” on gas service lines in Aspen, Colorado, that left thousands of residents and businesses without heat as temperatures in the skiing mecca plunged to near zero degrees.

At one of the targeted sites, police said they found the words “Earth first” scrawled, and investigators were looking into whether the self-described “radical environmental group” Earth First! was involved.

“It’s almost, to me, an act of terrorism,” Pitkin County Commissioner Patti Clapper, who lost heat in her home due to the vandalism, told The Aspen Times newspaper. “It’s trying to destroy a mountain community at the height of the holiday season. This wasn’t a national gas glitch. This was a purposeful act. Someone is looking to make a statement of some kind.”



This is terrorism.

Earth first, people last.

ht/ illustr8r

10 Comments on This is definitely not terrorism /sarc

  1. Earth First is an eco-terrorist group. The environment (to the extreme) is much more important to them than people. They do not care that humans can do more to save the ecology than any other animal.

  2. “… natural gas outage …”

    And the stupid fukkin Enviro-Nazis think that “natural” gas is BAD for the “environment?”
    Do these imbeciles realize from whence it comes?
    Do these imbeciles understand what “natural” means?
    Enviro-Nazism IS terrorism – even when they’re sitting in their mom’s basement doing nothing. They need to be put down – like the mad dogs they are.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Now, let me get this straight in my head. Ecoterrorists take out a gas line that takes gas from below the earth, where it devastates nothing, and then forces everyone to use wood in their fireplaces, which directly impacts the environment by removing valuable trees? The other choice is to use electicity which causes more carbon emissions? These people are brilliant! NOT


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