This is for everyone whoever said “who?” to a post – IOTW Report

This is for everyone whoever said “who?” to a post

Jerry Seinfeld just gave a big fat “who?” on a red carpet and rejected a hug.

Kesha (formally Ke$ha) was apparently a big star and had lots of hit songs before she was involved in a legal battle where she accused another musician (Dr. Luke) of rape. The dismissal of the case by a judge seems to have aversely effected her career.

An internet search of “what are they worth?” had Kesha’s fortune at 30 million dollars awhile ago. Today it stands at $500,000.

Seinfeld not recognizing her, and shunning her like a crazy bag lady, is not going to do any good for her already frail ego.

ht/ Petrus

21 Comments on This is for everyone whoever said “who?” to a post

  1. Willie Nelson used to say it amazed him how fast millions and millions of dollars could just melt away and disappear.
    Old story.

    I grew up with some guys whose garage band hit it big in the 80s-90s. Lots of tours, albums, tv specials, hit records. They each made $ zillions over about a 12-15 year run.
    It came fast, came in steady for years, and then disappeared fast. They don’t really know where it all went.
    So yes, I can believe a girl (in her 30s now?) went from $30M to $500k.

  2. My wife says of Kathy Griffin “Hey, she’s only 56. Still plenty of time for her to wind up penniless and forgotten, on the waiting list for Public Housing. “

  3. So it’s not for me then. I never play dumb, and if I don’t know who the heck it is that people are talking about, I stay out of the conversation. ;b

  4. I do watch some tv, have seen Jerry’s show when it was on. Never thought anybody on it was funny except the Kramer character.

    But this Kesha? Nope, never heard of her. Then again, I couldn’t pick Taylor Swift out of a line up.

    I think there are probably a lot of pop music personalities that MAWG’s (middle age white guys) like me have no idea exist. We used to call what they do “bubble gum music” because it seems designed to appeal to the 10~13 year old female segment of the population.

    Maybe Seinfeld doesn’t keep up with that segment of the Billboard charts.

  5. Without Larry David’s hand in his back, Seinfeld was nothing. He was part of what I call the “Shallow and one-dimensional” movement of the 90’s when libtards had nothing to do while adults were in control. Never watched his show. Not surprising he contines that fine tradition now. Where was Larry to ‘splain it to him?

  6. When it comes to “who?”, all I can think of is the Mirror or Telegraph or Daily Mails’ sidebar D-celebrities piled in an infinite vertical tower all on top of one another. And the Give-A-Shit-ometer slamming a big fat zero.

  7. “… Money, you’ve got lots of friends
    Crowding round the door
    When you’re gone, spending ends
    They don’t come no more …”

    Poor baby. Gone from $30 Million to $1/2 Million and even Jerry Seinfeld acts like she’s got fleas.
    Fortuna is a fickle goddess.

    izlamo delenda est …

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