This is For My Friend Kathy Schaidle – IOTW Report

This is For My Friend Kathy Schaidle

I cannot think of The Who without thinking of Five Feet of Fury. She was a Who fanatic. And this is fantastic:

She passed way too early.

Kathy Shaidle 1964 – 2021

19 Comments on This is For My Friend Kathy Schaidle

  1. She for sure had guts! Miss her almost as much as you do.

    BTW. If I had a hog pen, I might feed them your turkeys (Cube). But I would not feed those scurvy “birds” to anything else.

    Hogs will eat and thrive on anything; including you and I!

  2. Wish there was a way to send a unreleased tape of Lt. Dan asking whose who under a tropical moon by the airport.

    Miss those days and nights.

    Unreleased wax and uncovered grooves.

  3. I’ve read of them described as a lead singer, a lead guitarist, a lead bassist and a lead drummer. They were amazingly talented groundbreakers, and I love them almost as much as your beloved did.

  4. She was a real pro, with a wicked sense of humor. I miss her blog.

    I recommend her book ‘God Rides a Yamaha’ for anyone dealing with a tough diagnosis or chronic illness. It chronicles her early days with Lupus.

    I also recommend listening to the Who at high volume.

  5. PS: She was also ghost writer for Ed Anger in the Weekly World News for a while. Now there was some fine journalism and some real conspiracy theories.

  6. @BFH
    Just finished Part 3.
    I have a lot of questions.
    How does this happen?
    I have a story about going to a Canadian Town Bar too.
    In the middle of Winter.
    And a Long Road Trip.
    Nowhere near NY region.
    More Centrally Middle.
    2 Hours to get there
    2 Hours to get back
    I don’t recall how many hours we stayed in the Bar Basement.
    Many. You could smoke back then too.

    These sinks and microwaves and radiators cook water.

  7. Why hasn’t anyone bought up 22-380. It is a case on the Supreme Court docket that could possibly gut Congress. it proves the members of Congress who voted against invesstigating their oath of office by doing so. Why isn’t this news?

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