This is for the ignorant companies that fear leftist boycotts – IOTW Report

This is for the ignorant companies that fear leftist boycotts

Guess who occupies the top 7 spots on Spotify and Apple Music?

That’s right, the left’s most hated man, short of Donald Trump himself, Red Pilled Kanye West.

ht/ nm

7 Comments on This is for the ignorant companies that fear leftist boycotts

  1. If I had a business in a fairly typical shopping area and the left didn’t like my stance on the LGBT community, I would maybe lose 1% to 3% of my customer base – probably less because the left has ridiculous expectations. Is conforming to LBGT demands worth potentially pissing of up to 97% of your customers?

    Nope. I would have gender segregated bathrooms (two) and sell products people want instead of what the left deems good for society. Those who disagree can go elsewhere because it is likely I will have increased business from those establishments that think they have to cater to leftists.

  2. Is this the beginning of the black renaissance?

    I may be overstating that, but Iโ€™m beginning to see more than one instance of the impossible becoming doable.

    Itโ€™s scaring the crap out of the establishment and they are powerless to stop it.

  3. Spotify, who advertises “I’m with the banned”. Featuring bands from countries which were banned to US travel because of terrorism and human rights violations. AS IF those bands are still based in the shithole they came out of.

  4. We all know the bottom line is important, but some things are more important than that. We also know that free enterprise = freedom.

    Some of those rich capitalists are way too eager to toss away the legacy of freedom for a few dollars more.

  5. Free-dom vs free-stuff, the blacks have gotten a taste of freedom and they like it. The result is mass exodus from the democrat plantation. Welcome to the real America!


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