This is fun!!! Joe Bidet is such a blowhard dipchit that CNN is forced to begin fact-checking him – IOTW Report

This is fun!!! Joe Bidet is such a blowhard dipchit that CNN is forced to begin fact-checking him

Nearly every statistic or “fact” dribbling from Bidet’s goofy mouth is botched or completely made-up. He truly is the Ted Baxter of DC.

He’s the (p)resident now. CNN can’t simply ignore the simp. They’ve begun fact-checking him. lolol.

I suspect they are doing this to get him out of office so they can install The Kneeler. (No, not because she kneels for the anthem, because that’s the position that got her her position, if you know what I mean.

The minimum wage – Joe said if the minimum wage kept up with inflation (when established in 1989) it would be 20 bucks an hour. It would be $8.98. lol

The undocumented population- Joe said the majority of illegals are not Spanish. WRONG. lol

China’s workforce- Joe said there are more retired people in China than working. This isn’t remotely close to being accurate.

The vaccine situation- His failure to grasp any statistic on Covid, any of them, is frightening.

A tax break for racehorse owners – This is classic Biden stupidity. He said tac breaks for racehorse owners exceeds 9 billion a year. lolol

The Proud Boys exchange – Biden lied about what Trump said about the Proud Boys. He continues to do so even after being told he has it wrong.

Refugees- His statistics on this are wildly wrong, no wonder he thinks he won the election.


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