This is ghoulish beyond belief – IOTW Report

This is ghoulish beyond belief

ht/ mfm

23 Comments on This is ghoulish beyond belief

  1. You’ve got to watch and support the Gossnel Movie. The story of the greatest scumbag serial killer in the world. The media are ignoring it. Kermit Gossnel. Check him out. The media refused to cover the trial. An amazing trial in Philadelphia, bigger than the Scopes Trial. But Left wing Hollywood and theaters refused to show it. But it’s available. Check it out please.

  2. They willingly put this on video for posterity’s sake that they are perfectly fine with killing actual living, breathing, adorable babies now. They aren’t even arguing that it’s just an amorphous clump of cells that is being “aborted” with this ad. As others stated here, this is pure evil that will not go unpunished by God.

  3. Many thousands of babies are aborted by women who were abused physically, sexually and or mentally. Their reasoning, they didn’t want their baby to go through what they went through.

    For appealing to abused people, this ad will sadly be effective. Plus it will also be effective for the pseudo (self perceived)victims. This ad is demonic.

  4. planned parenthood=provides food for the satanic rituals where they eat babies and sacrifice them to their god satan

    don’t believe me
    watch some of the youtube videos where child survivors that are now adults talk about their experiences

    are we very near the end times
    seems that we are

  5. Actually, she already was a choice before she was conceived!
    The Left just want a ghoulish do-over without having to point out that fact!
    Facts are very stubborn things and the Left’s worst enemy!


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