It’s Hilarious and Tragic That This is the Left’s Presumptive Nominee For the Presidency – IOTW Report

It’s Hilarious and Tragic That This is the Left’s Presumptive Nominee For the Presidency

Beside all the obvious sad gaffes, what is his point, that this is all Trump’s fault?

Would it be Trump’s fault if a meteor hit Earth?

I think these assholes would find a way to make that claim.

25 Comments on It’s Hilarious and Tragic That This is the Left’s Presumptive Nominee For the Presidency

  1. Like that Rican Green Deal Kortex girl,I can’t STAND
    to look at them anymore…
    How Mother Efin’ F***’In stupid would you
    have to be to vote for them ???

  2. As soon as Ol’ Joe finds anything wrong with the US of A, he will collect the weakest minds in the country to fix it, no matter how long it takes.

  3. I guess they are counting on Trump looking like a bully debating a feeble minded idiot. By the end Biden will be telling everyone to vote for the other guy for the umpteeth time.

  4. Bitme is NOT the presumptive nominee. He is the interim figurehead to be presented to the public until the right time, at which he will be replaced by the real DNC candidate.

  5. This post is out of date. The scrabble name, DNC communication director let the cat out of the bag while she was high. Joe is no way going to be the one. Her words. Not mine.

  6. Now the Democrats know how it feels to have crappy nominee’s like the Republicans did with Dole, McCain and Romney. Biden does take it to a whole new level.

  7. funny how the d’rats used to (still do) carp on about Reagan’s supposed dementia during his term in office

    but totally fine w/ Creepy Joe’s brain of mush

  8. @Miss Kitty – with all due respect, you cannot compare the democrats to the republicans. The democrats have been focused on attaining, retaining and increasing power for decades.

    A “crappy nominee” means nothing to them, primarily because the LameStreamMedia – and more importantly, digital social media – cover their ass. Democrats can say anything and do anything without any fear of exposure or repercussions, because it does not get reported (accurately) – if at all. Crappy is a relative term. If they have to insert a new candidate (which they will), there will be no negative reporting. It will all be based and presented as an emotional response.

  9. For once I agree with you Republicrats. Joe Biden is so bad that Donald Trump would make a better Democrat nominee. (Oh gee! What am I saying? Could they do that?)

  10. stirring the pot
    With all due respect, there is no difference between Rino’s and Dem’s. For decades we had crummy candidates, till President Trump came along. I think you missed my point.

  11. Forgive me for ripping this comment from another widely read site. It had me laughing hard; it’s basically verbatim Joe. In case you missed it. Not mine:

    Come on man! You are just a lying, dog faced pony solder. Ah, what were we talking about? Oh yeah, push ups. You know, I was a life guard at the pool when I was younger. But, I will drop to this floor right now and give you fifty before you can blink. Strongest SOB out here. That and smart too. Could spell better than anyone. Long words, like 8 or 9 letters, no problem. Used to read the dictionary and takeout menus at the pool just for fun. Whats your favorite letter? See, you never asked that. Bet you never even thought of it. Smart people think like that, understand? No, you don’t. We are different. T is my favorite letter. I met a guy named Corn Pop who used to stroke my leg hair. He had all of his toes then. I was telling him all about how valuable the letter T is to the English language. He didn’t agree and I started doing push ups. He got all angry with me because I was doing more push ups than he could. All of a sudden it happened. We got into a knife fight over cheese curds and a bright blue button. I wanted that button. Have you ever had cheese curds? Tough to describe. Sort of a regional thing. Smells like….wait, is that hair gel? I love hair gel. I was just saying the other day to my bestie, Barrack. We were on Zoom. Yeah…and …um…do you know I gave him a charm bracelet a couple of years ago. Too bad Jeb! never made it. I already put together a bracelet for him in class as well. I rubbed the charms on my front teeth and they made a funny noise. Squeaked sort of like the curds. Made Barrack put his on. I laughed. Never told him. You know he doesn’t use any of that oily stuff in his hair. Always smooth. Oh yeah, Barrack. He is one well spoken afro-American. Articulate and clean cut. Good grooming. Wife is hot too. Big, I like them big. Athletic and healthy. Could see her singing at the bar at the American Legion on like a Tuesday. I went to a VFW near my house a while back. Really nice carpet and the bathrooms were super clean. Have you ever just stood back and just looked at her hips? Magnificent. Birthing hips is what she has. Just majestic. A real credit to the race but rough on the shoes. Yeah…she always smells like Axe though….strange….

  12. In the unlikely event Biden is the nominee, EACH and EVERY PERSON who VOTES for him is DECLARING HIMSELF or HERSELF or ITSELF an AVOWED ENEMY of the PEOPLE of THE UNITED STATES of AMERICA.

  13. He’s the Best They’ve Got. No one else wants to run and lose to Trump. But . . .

    If someone really thinks Trump is beatable, that person will step up.

  14. @Walter Johnson May 15, 2020 at 9:49 pm

    > In the unlikely event Biden is the nominee, EACH and EVERY PERSON who VOTES for him is DECLARING HIMSELF or HERSELF or ITSELF an AVOWED ENEMY of the PEOPLE of THE UNITED STATES of AMERICA.

    That’s a “Do you still beat your wife?” choice.

    There is a United States. It has declared America it’s enemy.

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