This is How Climate Works – Part 1 – IOTW Report

This is How Climate Works – Part 1


This is how climate works. It’s all about seeing the ocean and atmosphere separately:

  • The sun directly warms the ocean.
  • Cloud cover changes naturally, affecting the sun’s warming of the ocean.
  • Cloud cover changes have only minor effect on the atmosphere.
  • Ocean oscillations warm the atmosphere.
  • Greenhouse gases (GHGs), including man-made CO2, warm the atmosphere too.
  • The atmosphere has little effect on the ocean, except over very long periods.
  • If the ocean cools, the atmosphere radiates excess heat to space.

And that’s about it. Well, OK, a few other things do go on in climate, but those are the essentials.

1. Introduction

It is generally accepted – incorrectly – that man-made CO2 is the principal force changing Earth’s temperature, and that it will lead to catastrophe (the Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming hypothesis, “CAGW”). The “C” in “CAGW” is very important, because that is the major point of contention. Many scientists and others do think that CO2 warms the planet, but not nearly enough to be catastrophic.This document explains how Earth’s temperature really works, and then goes on to explain how extraordinarily badly the process has been misunderstood and misapplied.

The “mainstream” climate science has been a stuff-up of epic proportions. As with so many major stuff-ups, there was not one error but a sequence of related errors, with hubris and a bit of bad luck thrown in. This is not supposed to happen in science – science is supposed to be self-correcting. Well, mistakes do happen in science, and the self-correction process sometimes takes quite a long time. In the case of climate science, there has been some appallingly shoddy science and bad behaviour, protected by the truly awful process by which science currently operates.

more  [With Chart Porn]

9 Comments on This is How Climate Works – Part 1

  1. Mr Jonas does a very good job (in part 1) of explaining the enormously complex system that makes up our global climate. Thermodynamics, heat and mass transfer and chemistry that takes place over multiple, but interdependent time frames. It is so complex that we still do not know enough to be able to explain the here and now, let alone the future.
    Leave it to the climate agitators to create simple models that can be used to confuse and sway the uneducated into believing whatever the watermelon environmentalists are using to control the masses. I can’t wait until he releases part 2.
    (watermelon environmentalists are green on the outside to hide that they are really RED inside)

  2. The Earth’s atmosphere is 78 percent nitrogen, 21 percent oxygen and 1 percent other gases, including about 0.04 percent carbon dioxide.

    I just can’t get worked up over the possibility of 4 hundredths of a percent increasing to 4.5 hundredths of a percent.

  3. Entered into the 1963 congressional records.
    It is one of the communist goals to destroy
    industry in western countries… There are around
    45 goals.You would be amazed at how many of
    them have affected society today in this country.

  4. Commies have been growing big time here since the 30s. You can thank Hitler for that even though he never knew its outcome. The School Of Critical Thought in Frankfurt was crammed with critical thought commies who were afraid of Hitler, so guess where they emigrated to. Yeah. Even though there was a No Immigration law from ’26 through ’64, somehow, oh, I don’t know, do the initials FDR come to mind? Goddam commie bastard. Burn in fucking Hell you miserable bitch.

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