This is How EVERY Interview With the Left Should Be Conducted – IOTW Report

This is How EVERY Interview With the Left Should Be Conducted

ht/ C.Steven Tucker

33 Comments on This is How EVERY Interview With the Left Should Be Conducted

  1. We watch Maria every morning and especially on Sundays. She’s like the human highlight real for slapping the shit out of libtards.
    In the gym early today. Two Libtards are listing the problems the country has right now. Out of control fuel prices, wide open border, out of control health care costs, the threat of nuclear war. One says to the other, “And do you know what’s causing all this?”, the other one answers with out hesitation, “Yes, Right Wing Policies”. The other agreed. One of them is a woman that owns her own Biz. Something to do with health care. The guy she was talking to is a Real Estate agent. How in the F do you become that brain washed.

  2. Like Brad said, I see leftists all the time accurately point out the problems we are facing, then without any attempt to prove it just point at conservatives. If they aren’t willing to think then they won’t vote for people who could actually solve the problems.

  3. LCD
    I might add, in my experience, it’s always the “Professional” people that have turned into freaken Zombies. Blue Collar business owner and their employees seem to lean hard right.

  4. Extreme Maga Tony

    Oh believe me I’ve done that. Libtards are the minority there. When you start asking them specifics is when the conversation ends. If they run they’re businesses with the same decision making skills they use with politics they’re screwed. On a side note, I would never jump in the middle of their conversation. But Libtards have no problem interjecting themselves into the middle of yours.

  5. Fox had a black business owner from Texas on the other day.
    She was a proud African no doubt, wearing her kente cloth scarf.
    She was asked about the border and said she thought biden* was “doing all he could down there.”

    “Some people you just can’t reach…I don’t like it…any more than you…”

  6. Debbie Dingbat deserves this. She and her ilk have been miserable, utter failures for MI.
    Her family thinks they deserve to have their asses welded to that political seat.
    Kick that useless b*tch to the curb.
    Seriously Debs. You look like you just came from the “DYNASTY” casting couch. A little outta touch with real voters.
    You go to the gas station and grocery store, too…Bull💩!

  7. I agree that that’s how interviews with the left should be conducted. But the interviews with the right should be just as intense. The media in this nation has been trained to not ask tough questions, to not follow through with follow up questions. Instead, they let whomever they’re interviewing dodge and weave and oftentimes it looks as though the questions were submitted ahead of time.

    Maria is an exception in this instance as we can see in this video. Her style should be the norm. The political class needs to know that on a very granular level they will have their feet held to the fire for anything and everything they do or do not do.

    It’s how the media used to function.

  8. I love Maria and her ability to bring out the truth. BUI I can’t stand her voice. She sounds too much like my wife so I don’e watch her show…but my wife does! Go Figure!

  9. Brad — Yup, progressives are ALWAYS the first to bring up politics in a conversation. When the steam starts pouring out of their ears, I chuckle and remind them it was they who brought it up. They don’t know anything beyond talking points, so when you push back with facts they go bezerk. I don’t knowingly engage with them anymore on anything. It’s Biblical not to give them your company.


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