This is how you deal with these idiots – IOTW Report

This is how you deal with these idiots

Why anyone would sit passively as these losers waste everyone’s precious time is beyond me.

26 Comments on This is how you deal with these idiots

  1. He screamed at them…at the end.

    “THEY have to go to work!!”

    That was a patriot soldier on the front lines…

    THAT was a mini battle right there…he had a gopack on…

  2. I remember that incident from last year. I recall he was a Dr or other hospital worker and was furious that these jackasses were keeping his fellow hospital workers from getting to work and helping covid patients.

  3. @MJA –

    Sha’tra’neequa Blevins, your superior in every measurable way August 4, 2021 at 9:08 pm

    “…Toxic white WAHsculinity. Poor lil pouty whiny baby, can’t get to WORK!

    bew hew…”

    Troll, or legitimate parody?

  4. One commenter said he just committed assault and battery on video. So they can block a tax payer street and inconvenience everyone but grabbing their sign is an assault. Funny how they always run to the law to protect them.

  5. And there was much crying and gnashing of teeth by these lazy communist turds. There are the people who sit on their asses collecting, while the rest of us have to work. A good ass kicking is in order, get a job, or find a bridge and a cardboard box.

  6. Sha’tra’neequa Blevins, T’an4rae Quelesterol “BoofBoof” Timms, Leroyquille-a-Bumpa Mistah Cornpop. Bwahahahahahahaha..erp! Now that’s some funny shit. Well done.


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