I don’t want to hear it. I don’t want to hear about how some unnamed Muslim hundreds of years ago invented algebra. I’m unimpressed and it is of no importance.

Muslims TODAY, for whatever reason, are savage animals that do not belong in America. Period.

Any politician that forces that society upon our society is participating in treason. We do not deserve this.

What you’re about to see happened. It is not “theory.” It is not apocryphal. This HAPPENED. And it will happen again because THIS IS ISLAM. What happened happened to another Muslim. A woman. She was suspected of being an “American sympathizer.”

This wasn’t a few rogue maniacs, this was the ordinary day-to-day citizenry in the middle-east. Hundreds upon hundreds of them. Nary a sane one in the bunch. They are untamable, primitive, unenlightened and sadistic. This is backwater brutality, the likes of which modern societies have eradicated, and our culture doesn’t need to touch with this culture in any way shape or form. It offers nothing positive. NOTHING.

Islam, if forced upon us, will be the impetus of the civil war of our time. Of that, I am certain. Keep anyone who utters the phrase Allahu Akbar the hell away from me. It is not a holy utterance. It is the utterance of ignorant, homicidal, animalistic filth. Anyone trying to convince me otherwise is my enemy.
Keep anyone that tries to draw a moral equivalence with Islam to any other organized group away from me. They are my enemy.

This is not Islamophobia. This is Islamorealism.

HT/ All Too Much

48 Comments on THIS IS ISLAM!

  1. That is sickening.
    And the lib bitches here are complaining about not getting FREE birth control, and calling that a war on women.
    I wish they could have swapped that woman for rosie odonell.

  2. Uneducated, brutal, cultist barbarians who deserve nothing but contempt and eradication.
    This is what evil looks like.
    And now our national traitor, obama, opens the door of our Nation to this evil.
    islam is the tool of satan himself.

  3. Couldn’t be said better!
    I will add that Political Correctness has softened us up as a society to where we now tolerate and excuse unacceptable behavior to the point of absurdity! For example transgender-pushing where a tiny fraction of the 1.6% of the population of homosexuals is seen as hip! What…something like .001% of the population gets to drive the agenda? WTF!
    We have been dumbed-down and numbed-down by the Left to kill off common sense and sanity, including even the the most basic instinct of self-preservation, in their attempt to turn us into a fractured nation – divide and conquer kids! Exactly what the musloids want… and our other enemies looking on and biding their time to simply walk in and take over.

  4. And our inglorious president said to his adoring audience some time ago. “…..and The Sermon of the Mount is so radical our Defense Department could not survive its application.” Cheers and laughter.

    What he meant by that, I’ll never know. But it slid by without much attention. Check it out on you tube>

    The killing of Farkhunda Malikzada should teach our leaders what we are up against. But it won’t.

  5. if there is any good news to report, it is that we are arming

    went to a gun store today, could not believe the line to get to the weapons

    we keep saying the same stuff, nothing will change the thinking of the left

    enough already

    arm up

  6. The putrid left continues to push the message Pisslam is a religion of peace. What else to expect from lovers of lies and evil?

    These are worshippers at their prayers according to the video. Allah is Satan, the antiChrist, father of all lies and his worshippers are demons from Hell.

  7. Two points:

    First, a phobia is an irrational fear. Contempt, disgust, abhorrence, loathing—do not constitute a phobia when applied to islam. It is entirely rational.

    Second, Islam is the religion of peace—if you define peace as they do, which is the total annihilation of all who do not agree with them. That includes, as has been demonstrated, other muslims if they are a different sect.

    So I’m not an islamophobe, I’m an islamodetester.

  8. In a conversation, someone brought up the fact that Nuns wear covering as their duty to the church, so what’s wrong with ME women wearing hijab or burka for islam? It’s the same thing.

    I said that a Nun can remove hers and not get killed. A Nun can leave the church and not get killed. A Nun can be seen in public alone, or with men, and not get killed. So no, it’s not the same thing.

    I wish people would look shit up before they try to equate islam with other religions.

  9. Had a spiral cut Ham for Christmas dinner, Angus the dog got half the ‘drippins’ and grease. The other half is for filling hollow points.
    I want to have something to talk about as Hadji bleeds out.
    Like how he ain’t getting his 72 virgins after all.

  10. I got my first ccw back in the last term of Ronald Reagan. In Cali you use to be required to state a reason you feel it’s necessary for you to carry a gun (it’s still on the form but you don’t need to answer it). Well back then truth be told it was because I LIKE GUNS. But every other year I renew and answer that question I realize the threats continue to become more real. We have anything from early release of prisoners to Black Lives Matter to Blood Thirsty Muzzies to a shit economy and lots of desperate people all going on at the same time. The odds of you pulling that weapon continue to grow day by day. All thanks to our elected officials. And their answer to the madness is let’s disarm the good guys. They’re the ones that should pay the price for their PC world, not us or our family members.

  11. I cannot believe the New York Times put that out. It’s one of the most horrible things I’ve ever seen.

    I’m reading Winston Churchill’s “Malakand Field Force” right now, about his experience in Afghanistan in the late 1800s. Nothing has changed with these savage barbarians. They are monsters.

  12. This is kind of a non sequiter, but it’s kinda not: All of these assholes that murdered that poor woman would vote Democrat if brought into our country. I see Democrats as our enemy – Hillary admitted as much

  13. All he ever means is to diminish or outright destroy America’s Christian. The voter suppression of the people was simply fascisticly overturned to schlong America with marriage for faggots. And who is rebelling/refusing?

  14. “The fact that in Mohammedan law every woman must belong to some man as his absolute property-either as a child,a wife, or a concubine- must delay the final extinction of slavery until the faith of Islam has ceased to be a great power among men.
    Individual Moslems may show splendid qualities. Thousands became the brave and loyal soldiers of the Queen: all know how to die. But the influence of the religion paralyzes the social development of those who follow it. No stronger retrograde force exists in the world. Far from being moribund, Mohammedanism is a militant and proselytizing faith. It has already spread throughout Central Africa,raising fearless warriors at every step; and were it not that Christianity is sheltered in the strong arms of science-a science which it has vainly struggled-the civilization of modern Europe might fall, as fell the civilization of ancient Rome.”
    From Winston Churchill, “The River War.” (The

  15. Fuck them all. Damn smelly bitchs. Any cult that believes it an insult to shake hands with your left hand because that’s the one every one wipes their ass with shouldn’t be moving here.

  16. I could not make it through the video. That is fucked up! Religion of peace? Bullshit. A woman was beaten to death over a book written by a savage. Not for an idea but mere pages of cult swill. We were cowed too long. No more. I like the comment from Kurt Russel the other day – I don’t give a fuck what they think they may do to me, let them fear what I will unleash on them. Were they civilized they may be reasoned with. There is no reasoning with a culture that thinks it is okay to beat a person to death over a book. Fuck that, and fuck them.

  17. unfortunately, we still do not appreciate what the problem truly is… Human history has very few examples of religions that were simply too evil for any civilized society to tolerate…BUT, there have been a few. When society finally accepts 1400 years of evidence of the evil that is Islam, we will either surrender or we will actually begin to fight. If society wins, then Islam will join that select group of religions.

    The scary part is that I had to put the word “If” at the beginning of the last sentence. I wouldn’t even consider using that word prior to 1960. May God protect our Nation from the ruin that cowardly men have wrought.

    MSG Grumpy

  18. And for those who claim that it is the small minority of “extremist” who do these things and NOT the majority of the people who follow Islam…May that lie choke each and every one who dares utter it….

    When it comes to adultery, “at least half of Muslims who favor making sharia the law of the land also favor stoning unfaithful spouses.” Once again, this translates into hundreds of millions of Muslim supporters for the barbaric practice of stoning. In countries such as Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Egypt, support is in the 80- to 90-percent range. -

    We already know from my previous article that there is massive worldwide support for sharia law among the global Muslim community. This is made even worse by the fact that substantial portions of the Muslims who favor sharia also say it should apply to all citizens – not just Muslims. -

    Honor killings also receive substantial levels of support among Muslims. In Afghanistan and Iraq, 60 percent of Muslims believe that honor killings as punishment for pre- or extramarital sex are justifiable. For all the countries surveyed, significant percentages (ranging from 16 to 78 percent) of Muslims were unwilling to state that honor killings are never justified if the female commits the offense. –

    Conversion from Islam (aka religious freedom) is not taken lightly in the Muslim world. The Pew survey asked Muslims who say sharia should be the law of the land whether or not converts should receive the death penalty. Upwards of 86 percent said yes. –

    In Pakistan alone, there are 114 million Muslims who favor the death penalty for converts. Add in another 50 million each from Egypt and Bangladesh, 26 million in Indonesia, and so on. Among these 20 regions harboring about 830 million Muslims, more than 300 million support the death penalty for converts. –

    1 in 4 Muslims in America under 30 say suicide bombing ‘to defend Islam’ can be justified – Trump was right!

    “When Hamas states that, “Killing Jews is worship that draws us close to Allah” or the ISIS rapists tell Yazidi girls that rape “draws them closer to Allah”, they really do mean it. They are not perverting a great religion, as our politicians claim, they are living it.”

    Islam has proven time and again over 1400 years that the “small minority” in that religion are those who believe that they can live peacefully with their fellow man.

    MSG Grumpy

  19. Most of the things Islam is credited with inventing were actually co-opted by the Muslims after they invaded and slaughtered the real inventors societies. They would then claim the credit and re-write history, as the winners of war always do.

  20. My thought exactly when I read that silly statement, “unnamed Muslim hundreds of years ago invented algebra”.
    As far as I know, it was the PERSIANS (pre-muzzies) that invented al-gebra. It was the Hindus that invented what we call the arabic numerals (that are all jumbled around from their original invention). Medicine? Again, Persians (pre-muzzie). I’m sure that if you did REAL deep research, you’d find more examples.

    Muzzies have invented nothing but taqiyya.

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