This is not a threat, defeatism, negativity – this is reality – IOTW Report

This is not a threat, defeatism, negativity – this is reality

This is from a man that was mouthing Trump’s speeches while standing behind him, with the exuberance of a sugar-rushed adolescent. And I don’t mean that disparagingly. King was THAT excited with the Trump agenda. His eyes were lit up at every rally—>


ht/ c. steven tucker

37 Comments on This is not a threat, defeatism, negativity – this is reality

  1. Maybe it’s time for PDT to have dinner with King. I know Scott Adams says PDT is a master persuader, and PDT did persuade a lot of us to vote for him, but I have my doubts about how persuasive he can be with those who oppose him. It had better be his intention to work his persuasion magic on them, and not to persuade us to accept their amnesty sandwich.

  2. Trump doesn’t make it easy to support him. I support Steve King’s position on illegal aliens and the DACA scammers. President Trump needs to get the message from the people who elected him, not the ones who supported Clinton.

  3. Steve King isn’t President. That’s reality. When King is President and he has to deal with McConnell and Ryan, and McCain and the Bruti within the card-carrying Republican faction of Uniparty, Inc., then I will judge him on the same basis. The view is crystal clear from the cheap seats.

    (Go back to what Trump said and did under every other circumstance. He doesn’t like to telegraph his plans. What kind of insider knowledge does King have that he presumes to know Trump’s next move?)

  4. I hate the idea of amnesty but if Trump gives amnesty to fewer than 1 million WORKING, CRIME-FREE DACA’s in exchange for a wall and deporting all the rest, I’d say it’s a good deal.

    Trump always was on the fence about DACA. Even during the campaign he said that was a tough one for him.

    Let’s see what kind of a deal he gets. It’s certain the Republicans won’t do anything to make him look good nor will the Dems. If he gets tax cuts and the wall by trading for a handful of DACA’s I’d take that as a win.

    My 80% friend is not my 20% enemy – Reagan.

  5. Sorry but I saw signs of him buckling awhile back. Running off all the conservatives in his inner circle, on health care he seemed willing to sign anything put on his desk. Having his daughter and son-in-law involved heavily in processes, and as I said before McMaster is a scumbag. There are lots of signs things are not going well.

  6. Why isn’t Steve King directing his fire at the people that caused this problem? His fellow Republican Law Makers. Does Repeal and Replace ring a bell? Hopefully Trump working with the Libtards is temporary and a shot across the bow of the dysfunctional Republicans but on the other hand he’s already seen he can’t get something that they even campaigned on through for a signature.

  7. I agree with King’s statement. A wall would be nice, but enforcing existing laws would be better. However, amnesty, of any kind, will be the end of this country. Send them all back. They do not have the right to demand things from US citizens. Go back, get in line and do it legally. No amnesty!

  8. Page O Turner — I don’t know. I seem to be rubbing the cat’s fur the wrong way all the time. lol I don’t do it to be perverse. It’s just that if one allows it, one can get caught up in every whirling dervish of the news cycle and lost in a sea of crappy rumors, inuendo, and deliberate misinformation intended, by the way, to do precisely what it is doing: fracture Trump’s monolithic base of loyalty; his veritable wall of force aimed at the Left and the RINOs. It’s a not-so-subtle tactic used time and again by the Left to start its divide and conquer machine. They are masters of that game and they use it because it works.

    I’m always reminded of the quail in “Bambi” who, despite warning after warning, cannot stop themselves from flight and into the waiting aim of the hunters’ shotguns.

  9. Once they get amnesty or are allowed to stay its over, it won’t stop. Illegal crossings have already picked back up again. And I’m sick of hearing 10 million, its way, way more than that, insisting on the law being followed is our last chance.

  10. @AA, Quail stay hidden until the last minute, then fly up in your face spoiling your aim.
    If you have a dog pointing them out, you’re not surprised when the dog flushes them.
    President Trump is using DACA, Chuckles and Pelosi as his gun dogs.
    It’s like people forget President Trump is a hot stove, keep touching him.

  11. Getting anything done in Washington is very difficult but sticking to your convictions is not if you are grounded in your beliefs. If you can be persuaded by pressure then you have feet of clay.

  12. I agree with Abigail. If King is so irate, then he should be ripping into Ryan and McConnell. Frankly, they should be hard at work trying to get shit done instead of sitting on their hands and making well rehearsed speeches riddled with excuses and the illusion they are doing something for the American people.

    Ryan and McConnell are the idiots who are sitting on a 21-0 deficit and willing to run out the clock at halftime to regroup for the 2nd half. Trump is not going to settle for that. The only reason I applaud him trying to work something out with the enemy is maybe, just maybe, a big hot fire will be lit under the ass of every GOPe to start moving and get something done.

    We should be up 35-0 right now, not down 21-0.

  13. Maybe if he had a republican congress that supported him, and we the people, he would not have to cross over to Chuck and Nancy. I don’t believe he has changed, it’s just the do nothing repubs are fucking with him at every turn.
    RINO’s, time to replace them. We took the governorship’s, the house the senate and the POTUS.
    Next up – RINO slaughter starting with Ryan and Bitch McConnell. We give DJT a working congress and he just maybe he will be able to drain the swamp. As I read the articles coming out I can’t believe how much corruptions there is in D.C.
    God bless America, MAGA, Go USA!

  14. TO tctsunami

    It would seem this (DACA headfake) is one step in reaching the goal (RINO slaughter). Whe I’m fascinated about is how Trump & Co. will create the dynamic necessary and then turn it on the House/Senate ratbastards to get them out, NLT Nov 2018.

    High stakes. VERY high stakes. But, if anyone can pull it off, Trump can.

  15. Trump was elected president, not crowned as King. His office doesn’t have the horsepower to fix immigration.

    Yes, I know the Constitution assigns that to the Executive. Which might matter if the Constitution was actually respected in washington.

    It ain’t, it won’t be, and short of the level of displeasure expressed when the serfs ‘modified’ the government of France, it just ain’t possible.

    The people running all this interference have too much to lose to go back to the rule of law.

    One side effect or more accurately, indicator, that this is the case is nobody important gets charged with crimes. Even blatant ones. Like James Comey told EVERYBODY about speaking of Hillary.

    He rubbed our noses in the shit. We just talked about it on the internet.

  16. Either this is true 9th dimensional chess with Trump making a big play, or it’s exactly what it looks like and Trump is taking the leftward implosion some of us were afraid of at first, but forgot about. I’m not seeing a third option here, it’s got to be one or the other.

  17. Chuck & Nancy, both harbingers of truth, say something, and people freak out. I guess it’s true, some of us wouldn’t know how to feel if not for the fact that TV news personalities make sad faces for sad stories and happy faces for happy ones. “Vanitas vanitatum omnia vanitas…”

  18. @organgrinder September 14, 2017 at 6:47 pm

    > Once they get amnesty or are allowed to stay its over, it won’t stop.

    As soon as they can buy buying “legal” pushed through as what matters its over, it won’t stop.


  19. Since the beginning of the campaign President Trump has always left wiggle room when asked about deporting every illegal immigrant we find.

    Our government has been letting illegal aliens into this country with open arms for at least 5 decades.Nobody noticed until 20 years ago when parts of town started looking like we were in a spanish speaking country.

    I’ve been in construction for 40 years. The boom that started in the late eighties is when big business discovered their new slave labor. These people will work 12 hours a day, 7 days a week, living 10 to a room on beans and tortillas. This sent millions of Americans home or paid us 1/2 wages. These guys live in the shadows and they aren’t coming out. We have the laws already on the books that could end this right away. It is not deportation, but business cheating the system. Shadow labor will self deport.
    After the criminals are rounded up and the self deportees leave and free loaders are cut off, there will be, my guess, 5 million, some illegal, some over stayed work visas, some DACA who assimilated into the American life. They work, obey the law, own homes, go to church and contribute to the community where they live. Our own government, people we elected, let these people build a future in our country. I know men who have raised a family here who all speak perfect English and deserve to be here more than 3/4 of the friggin’ Congressmen we have.
    Do I support a policy where these people to get amnesty. No.
    Do I want to the Feds to get buses and SWAT teams to rip them out of there homes and deport them. No I don’t.
    They shouldn’t become citizens either.
    I know quit a few of these people. They support Trump because they trust his moral clarity.
    So do I!

  20. Does no one here read the Real News.
    Today was all Fake News brought to you by Nancy and Chuck. And the MSN was happy to run with what they were fed.
    ” By there deeds you will know them ”
    That’s all you need to know about them .

  21. Page O Turner,

    “My 80% friend is not my 20% enemy – Reagan.”

    Did Reagan say that before or after the democrats didn’t allow the wall to be built in 1986 after negotiating such?

  22. President Ted Cruz would NOT have taken the Amnesty bait. He would have repealed Obamacare by now and replaced it with real free-market solutions. He might not have built a wall, but then NEITHER HAS TRUMP!

    But still, after Trump won the primary, he was still the only choice left to us. In 2020, I hope the Constitution Party ( and the Federalist Party ( can join forces to replace the lying GOP.

  23. Page O Turner
    Reagan had another quote
    Trust…. But Verify.

    Bad_Brad . . . A ‘President Ted Cruz’ . . .
    Cruz never wavers . . . We’ve elected an air-dancer.

    As for King rippin Ryan & McConnell…
    That’s Trumps job. We elected him to be a leader.
    Leaders coalesce people to promote their agenda.

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