This Is Not A Warning; It Is A Threat – IOTW Report

This Is Not A Warning; It Is A Threat

Image from The People’s Cube

American Thinker – Liberals, and Democrats in particular, are great at creating false equivalencies.  Their latest attempt at this is to equate the heinous 2012 attack on U.S. facilities in Benghazi, Libya and the feckless response of Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama with the recent attack on the U.S. embassy in Baghdad and President Trump’s no-nonsense response.

Without replaying the whole sordid Benghazi event, suffice it to say that a coordinated, orchestrated, and deadly attack against two U.S. facilities in Benghazi claimed the lives of four U.S. personnel, including a U.S. ambassador. The response before, during, and after the attack was shameful. No additional security was provided to the sites prior to the attacks despite repeated pleas from the ambassador, no help was forthcoming during the attack, and there was no response after the attack other than a disgraceful press tour.

Contrast this with President Trump’s defense of Americans. On Friday, an Iranian-backed militia attacked a U.S. base and killed an American contractor and wounded many others. On Sunday, U.S. fighter jets attacked and demolished five militia bases in Iraq and Syria, killing 25 people.

Continue reading here.

h/t: Anymouse

21 Comments on This Is Not A Warning; It Is A Threat

  1. joe6pak: I think what Trump was getting at was that he was not drawing one of Obama’s famous “red lines,” telling them outright what would happen if they did anything. Perhaps “promise” would have been a better word, but I think he got the idea across.

    I am just waiting for the Dems to accuse the President of trying to start a awar.

  2. Joe6 — A threat is not a warning. A warning — like drawing red lines — is the act of moving the goal posts, enabling the enemy to press further. A threat carries no open-ended ambiguity. But you’re right, he should have promised so that he could add that to his “promises made, promises kept” list.

  3. Benghazi is part of legacy that will never disappear for the Magic Negro…

    Words cannot describe my contempt for him, those around him and his eight years of transforming our nation.

  4. OK, there is one big difference between warning and threat.

    A warning is issued to call attention to some action being risky.

    A threat is issued to call attention to some action being risky because if you do it, me and my pals will thump you good.

  5. Don’t call it a warning or a threat. Could be seen as laden with emotion, and open to interpretation or argument.

    Just coolly call it national policy…simply that this IS how this administration will respond. Period. Then follow through as needed.

  6. Another one of Obama’s guests showing his true colors after being given “CREDIBILITY” and “LEGITIMACY as a white house quest.

    The only red line Obama ever drew was with lipstick around his own pie hole.

  7. Dear Jesus Christ,
    The joy of Christmas has passed. Now Christians want you to provide New Year’s excitement to make them happy. You love us, but you don’t love them, do you? Let the bombing begin! Start a war that Israel has been begging for. Kill all them Iranians. Then praise the Lord!
    May 7, 2018
    Netanyahu Promotes War on Iran
    by Stephen Lendman
    “During his Sunday cabinet meeting, he lied accusing Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps of supplying “Syria with advanced weapons to attack us, both on the battlefield and on the home front, including attack drones, surface-to-surface missiles, and Iranian anti-aircraft systems that will threaten [Note: incoming Israeli] air force jets.”

    Israel threatens their security, not the other way around – partnered with Washington, wanting regime change in both countries, waging naked aggression in Syria, Iran on their target list.

    Netanyahu has been promoting war on the Islamic Republic for years, not daring to go it alone, wanting Washington to take the lead. ”

  8. Quid pro quo, meaning something for something, and being a favorite accusation by the democrats against PDJT. Instead of calling it a threat or a warning. Just call it a quid pro quo, to stir the pot of the crazy leftists. But in the negative sense. Hey, if you give us trouble, we’ll give you back a lot more trouble.

  9. No threats, no warnings. Just bide your time, and when the chips line up, take out all the mullahs, all at once. Screw the collateral damage.
    No talk, just action. Fed the F up with talk.


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