This is not a well Hillary should be visiting – IOTW Report

This is not a well Hillary should be visiting



11 Comments on This is not a well Hillary should be visiting

  1. Trump’s people should BEAT THEM OVER THE HEAD with Bill’s sexually abuse cases. I would have the victims go on Trump’s account and respond day and night to that bull-loney.

  2. I really do hate what pols and celebrities have done to change what passes for acceptable public discourse. I wouldn’t attack her on Bill’s abuses (although there is that, too). No, there are 100 ways he could respond without resorting with the same base language. He should call her out for putting such trashy talk in the public sphere and shame her for her oblique and passive/aggressive attacks. It would definitely call into question HER character, her impulsiveness, and thugish choice of language. Men may talk to other men like that in private, but we should expect more from public figures. She sounds low-life who doesn’t think very highly of the American public by writing such gutter talk.

    (Shhhh. Yes, Trump let’s fly the occasional “hell” and “damn” — but turning the tables back on Killery would cause her head to explode.)

    Something like: “A very odd and shameful charge for someone who takes big $$ ‘donations’ from countries who stone women to death.”

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