This is NOT America – CREATE ART OR ELSE GO TO JAIL? – IOTW Report


Two Female Christian Artists Could Be JAILED For Not Creating Art For Same-Sex Weddings.

No… Just no.

This is the tipping point, friends. The government has taken leave of their senses.


The Alliance Defending Freedom, which represents the women, asked in their petition:

Does Phoenix violate the Arizona Constitution’s Free Speech Clause when it forces commissioned artists to create custom artwork—consisting of words and paintings—conveying messages they object to and when it bans commissioned artists from publishing a statement explaining the artwork they can and cannot create?

Does Phoenix violate Arizona’s Free Exercise of Religion Act when it uses criminal penalties—including jail time—to force commissioned artists to create custom artwork expressing messages that violate their sincerely held religious beliefs and when it bans religiously motivated speech?


29 Comments on This is NOT America – CREATE ART OR ELSE GO TO JAIL?

  1. To force an artist to create something that is antithetical to their views is to erase the essence of art and artistry itself.

    If an artist is to be allowed to practice their craft, they must also be allowed to have their creation express their view. If they dictate what it is they want created, they can create it themselves, as it would no longer be art. It certainly would not be an original creation, but merely a copy of someone else’s imagination. If they do have to participate, then a negative expression should also be tolerated- such is the nature of art- beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

  2. OMG
    What has happened to this country?!? It’s unbelievably scary the path that it is on now.

    The Left will think this is perfectly fine because it’s anti religion and it’s two white women who likely didn’t support Hillary. Reverse it and say they must paint an American flag with a calligraphy phrase of, “In Trump We Trust” or go to jail and see what they think then.

  3. Are they the only 2 artists left in Arizona or something?
    Grown men can walk around and pretend like they’re women, and we’re supposed to accept how they FEEL. Well, these two chicks don’t FEEL like doing artwork for a gay wedding.

    I guess they could always ask a muslim imam artist to do the work.

  4. Doxxing is something I oppose as a rule, but there are exceptions. This is one. The Phoenix city pols who thought up, wrote, voted for, and enacted this despicable ordinance need to be hounded mercilessly just the same as the dem/prog mobs do to their targets.

  5. The three stages of the homosexual movement, one of the major hammers in the hand of the global Left:

    Stage 1: push for Acceptance (live and let live, which was a lie)

    Stage 2: demand Advocacy from everyone. We’ve been well into this stage for some time.

    Stage 3: Annihilate all opposition. This is running concurrent with Stage 2.

    I’ll keep repeating this because these two things must be kept in mind:

    a. In Sodom, the Bible says ALL men of the city came out to rape the two angels staying at Lot’s house. That means they ALL were homosexual, and THAT means sodomy had to have been inculcated systematically from a very young age, very probably with the approval of the women of Sodom (see Romans ch. 1 for former pharisee Paul’s probable summation of the Sodom incident).

    Q. Do we today see attempts to desensitize and seduce children into homosexuality?

    b. The Sodomites threatened to rape Lot if he stood in their way.

    Q. Do we see attempts to punish anyone who stands in the way of the homosexual movement, no matter what the reason for their objections?

    We’re not slouching toward Gomorrah, we’re already there.

  6. BTW, this is one point where Peterson nails it. It’s sometimes necessary for government to restrict or forbid speech for the common good. Not often, even rarely, but sometimes people have to be told what they can’t say because too many people are stupid and wicked.

    But that’s a very different thing from government ordering what you MUST say.

  7. Of course this could be an opportunity to create “art” that graphically depicts anal sex that would horrify most people. It wouldn’t and shouldn’t be pretty.

    Sure. I’ll artistically depict your lifestyle. Shall I include the STDs and death scenes? I’d be happy to accommodate you.

  8. How haven’t I heard about this until now???
    I don’t watch local news but I do check local websites…
    This is outrageous and evil, no government should be able to force a citizen to create something they don’t want to. Where am I? China???

  9. Paint a picture of all those male politicians trying to force these gals to go against their faith fucking each other up the ass while sodomizing each other with money shots flying like a field sprinkler in July. Then again, they might celebrate it.

  10. SO, CREATE THE ART girls.

    When I have submitted drawings and high end tools for re-creation to my specs I always suffer the Artist’s interpretation of my clear directives. I suffered the results over and over and finally gave up because nobody got it right.
    I would take their request and put an artistic spin on it, sucks if the Lesbos didn’t like it because it was an artistic interpretation. Setting an artist off to be an automaton isn’t art. Re-define it, make your own rules, let them pound sand.

  11. @grool (at 9:20 pm): If ALL of the men in Sodom were homosexual, I’d call that a population problem that would solve itself eventually without outside intervention, divine or otherwise.


  12. All across America customers call contractors for bids. Customers ask if contractors will do this for that. Not unusual for contractors to tell customers they can’t do this for that. THEY’RE NEVER SUED! So why are whack jobs demanding special legal benefits?

  13. Not to minimize this outrage, but professional bakers, making custom cakes feel like what they do has some artistic merit also. This is a continuation of the same story, not a higher level abuse of artistic creativity.

  14. They demand participation.
    They aren’t content to practice their perversions in the safety of their own cesspits and dumpsters – they demand – yes DEMAND – the participation of you and your children.
    This is the natural consequence of “toleration.”
    From creeping out of the dumpster to totalitarian demands to imprisoning, and, ultimately, eliminating those who refuse to participate.

    Funny how that works, isn’t it?
    From escaping the “closet” to demanding your children in a generation.
    And we walk around in a daze – slack jawed and blind.

    izlamo delenda est …

  15. Did the artists accept a commission before knowing what they were to paint? If not, how can government force artists to accept a commission? Are there no artists who would gladly paint the scene?

  16. I’m reminded of an anti Soviet short film that was filmed in stop action. In short a puppet guy is told by a human hand to sculpt the human hand and the puppet guy resists to death.

    To think I’d live to see the day where the state in the USA is forcing artists to Express state ideals. What the hell has happened… oh, that’s right, leftist have infested the nation and our eating out the Bill of Rights.


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