This is Not The Endorsement For Affirmative Action Geraldo Thinks it Was – IOTW Report

This is Not The Endorsement For Affirmative Action Geraldo Thinks it Was

ht/ Jethro

13 Comments on This is Not The Endorsement For Affirmative Action Geraldo Thinks it Was

  1. OK, I sat through those 2 minutes of agony listening to that dope, and the first thing that came to mind was to wonder if lunch was provided as an inducement.

    There is a scene in Dicken’s Scrooge where after he died, some businessmen are talking about whether there will be a funeral and whether lunch will be provided, otherwise, why bother? Must have been one hellova lunch to show up to that “good riddance” gathering.

  2. Say, Jeraldo, I was just wondering. You imply racism is a white problem, right? So, tell me, if there’s a choice between a qualified white candidate and an abysmally unqualified black candidate, why do blacks all vote against the white guy? Take your time, I’ll wait….

  3. While representing a Puerto-Rican gang, the “Young Lords”, Jewish New York lawyer Gerald Riviera, holding a J.D. from Brooklyn Law School supplemented with a post-grad Ivy League Reginald Heber Smith Fellowship in poverty law at UPenn… found himself on teewee a couple times… whereupon someone got the bright idea to change Lillian Friedman’s kid’s name to Geraldo Rivera, parlaying his father Allen’s claimed Puerto Rican “ancestry” a la Pocahontas into cred as a “minority journalist”.


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