This Is One Of the Best That I’ve Seen – IOTW Report

This Is One Of the Best That I’ve Seen

Does have a few glitches, but the actions of the heads are very well done.

20 Comments on This Is One Of the Best That I’ve Seen

  1. We’re going to my niece’s wedding Sat and we told her some of us are going to do the Trump dance. We’ve practiced a couple of times.
    She’s conservative and thinks it’s hilarious.
    I saw this video this morning and even though there are some glitches, it’s funny as heck!

  2. Speaking of the disco era, I was stationed in the UK when that all took off. Us GIs really didn’t know anything about it over there. One of the airmen in our squadron flew back to his home in California to spend a couple of weeks with friends and family. When he returned, we all asked him about what was happening back in the good old USA. He began to tell us about the new craze called disco. He said everybody who was anybody was really into it, and it was sweeping the nation. He told us about the new leisure suit craze. He had bought two of them and returned to the UK with them. We urged him to show us, so he went back to his room in the barracks and returned wearing a canary yellow leisure suit. Imagine twenty airmen bursting out laughing at the ridiculous sight of a guy wearing a stupid, canary yellow, faggy suit with over-sized collars and bell-bottomed pants and a frilly shirt. He actually thought we’d be impressed and that we’d marvel at the new fashion trend happening back home. We started throwing things at him as we laughed and called him every fag name we could think of because that’s what airmen do. He packaged both leisure suits, both canary yellow and baby blue, and sent them back home in the mail. We were pretty hard on him, but we figured he deserved it. He should have known better. He was a bit of a dandy and always wore upscale Air Force uniforms when we were all wearing fatigues. He thought he was dressing for success and thought he was too good to wear fatigues like everybody else. We called him Tweedy for a long time. Good times!

  3. Dr. Hambone
    Wednesday, 14 August 2024, 20:04 at 8:04 pm

    …I couldnt afford the leisure suits, or the girls as it turned out, so I cant say I was all-in like he was, but being the lanky uncoordinated soul that I was at the time I did give others the gift of laugher as your Tweedy did you, but lets just say there’s a REASON the lighting was poor and sporadic in such places that had nothing to do with atmosphere…


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