“This is only the beginning,” says savage Muslim in video after Manchester bombing – IOTW Report

“This is only the beginning,” says savage Muslim in video after Manchester bombing

Video HERE

ht/ jerry manderin

18 Comments on “This is only the beginning,” says savage Muslim in video after Manchester bombing

  1. Whether the UK or France or any other EU nation believes this is the new normal or assert there is little to nothing to be done, we are in new circumstances under Trump. I encourage everyone to see as much of his speeches and discussions during this trip as possible. In them he and the other participants (but especially Trump) underscore all the reasons global terrorism must be stopped, and he supports his argument from all possible angles, including economic. The horrors of incidents like Manchester and Nice and Bataclan and the Brussels airport aside, there is an economic aspect that is not inconsequential both from a direct cost of terrorism to the long-term affects of it as it relates to a country’s real prosperity. It is a difficult — maybe impossible — argument to ignore and those national leaders who try to ignore it will heap suspicion and disgust on their heads from there countrymen. And that is just the costs associated with terrorist acts. When you factor in the financial drag placed on a national economy caused by the invader’s use of social benefits then the numbers go way up. What Trump proposes with regard to real refugees from places like Syria is to use the ME coalition of anti-terrorist member states to bring about the changes in places like Afghanistan and Syria that preclude the need for refugee immigration in the first place. When people start getting wise to the enormous loss of productivity because they are spending more and more of their lives ensnared in security processes just to conduct their business and personal lives or understand the real cost of feeding and housing people who are displaced by terrorism, they won’t sit still for it. These are discussions that have, hitherto, been buried by the Left’s focus on “poor, sad, refugee, humanitarian disaster” stories. Those are go-nowhere stories that leave us all feeling impotent as to their resolution. Not any more, thanks to our President. I’m very encouraged.

  2. See also Secy Mattis’ and his teams’ presser on U.S. and NATO ally’s bombardment of terrorist targets in the past 90 days. I think it was early last week.

  3. @old_oaks

    Obama ensured they are already here! The metastasis has begun.

    Chicken losers, killing women and children and hiding behind masks. And using ‘religion’, brainwashed or extremely coerced victims, and children to carry their weapons of destruction. Chicken feces losers that God has a very special place for them and it doesn’t contain 72 virgins.

  4. Pass a law requiring all remains of every terrorist be wrapped in pig guts and placed somewhere in the frozen north where it will never be buried underground. Do not allow any funeral services or memorials. Deport non-citizen family members and associates who will not condemn the vermin. In other words, quit giving them the respect and reward they do not deserve.

  5. Don’t let the filth into your country.
    If there is any-such-thing as a “moderate” they’ll get the idea.

    If they’re already in country, then kill them. Kill them, kill their rat-children, kill their wives, kill their mothers, kill their fathers, kill their goats, kill their brothers, kill their sisters, kill their cousins, kill their aunts, kill their uncles … maybe the leftovers will get the idea … if not, then kill them, too.

    Death is the ONE thing they understand.

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. @AbigailAdams May 23, 2017 at 12:01 pm

    > What Trump proposes with regard to real refugees from places like Syria is to use the ME coalition of anti-terrorist member states to bring about the changes in places like Afghanistan and Syria that preclude the need for refugee immigration in the first place.

    Who says Republicans can’t learn?

    “If somebody else pays to build enough parks, and strip malls, and tech incubators, and McMansions in Detroit, everyone living there will be millionaires. Poverty solved.

    Of course, the construction will take decades. So, in the meantime, just give them moar money! Poverty solved.”

  7. When asked how America could possibly beat an enemy like Japan where the people were so fanatic and willing to die, Gen, Curtis LeMay replied “When you kill enough of them, they will stop fighting.” The same applies here!

  8. @Anonymous — I’m not sure I’m reading your comment correctly, but it seems like you interpreted my remark as that the ME member states would build free housing, etc, for the refugees. Not at all. What they will do is get rid of the Assads of the ME and the wanton islamic extremism that causes the displacement of citizens, making them refugees in the first place. Make sense?

  9. Kill-em-all does work. It drove the Moors out of Spain and the rest of Europe.

    Lack of guts and commitment is a roll-over-and-die strategy.

    That’s where we are.

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