‘This is our country!’: Tempers flare as Obama arrives in China – IOTW Report

‘This is our country!’: Tempers flare as Obama arrives in China

NYP: HANGZHOU, China — If President Barack Obama was hoping for a graceful start to his final trip to Asia as commander in chief, this wasn’t it.

A confrontation between a White House aide and a Chinese official, and other diplomatic dust-ups were out in the open from the moment Air Force One landed in Hangzhou, site of an economic summit.

obama arrives in china to irritated people

The first sign of trouble: There was no staircase for Obama to exit the plane and descend on the red carpet. Obama used an alternative exit.  MORE

17 Comments on ‘This is our country!’: Tempers flare as Obama arrives in China

  1. Snooty little poodlepants Obama sliming his way down the air force one while his equally snooty aide causes a ruckus because they don’t respect a DAMN thing. [can not WAIT until we get a classy president into office again, at least Trump can be professional and respect other countries w/o whoring himself out.]

  2. I don’t know the details, but Chinese male government officials are not going put up with much backtalk from loud-mouthed, pushy, stupid liberal US girls. I heard recently odumba*s blowing about China reducing their CO2 emissions or something. Please. If anyone thinks that China is going to reduce energy production b/c stuttering jugears or some other stupid western liberal thinks they should because of their imaginary climate change mental disorder, you probably are an absolute moron.

  3. President Trump gets dissed, it’s wheels up boys. No way he’s walking out of the bottom of AF1-the Chinese immediately make President Toothpick lose face with that one.

    Yet he’s still got that shit eating grin plastered across his face.

  4. A fat, white ridiculously entitled American female and Confucian society Asian male. Talk about a clash of the stunted brain titans. When you come to the understanding that you are exalted above others by age 4 (like white girls and Chinese boys) it doesn’t lead to much brain growth. Good luck world! White boys weren’t good enough for anyone so enjoy the shitshow that is about to ensue.

  5. Wait! President Supreme Negotiator failed to arrange the details of his arrival to his Bestest Friend China? In his blind ambition for a borderless world, Obama didn’t notice that he was the only one taking them down. Now everyone is laughing at the amateur posing as a world leader. Leading from behind always was a joke.

  6. Obama received much more respect from the Chinese than he’s earned in the US.
    I am surprised that any country would allow Obama to exit the aircraft.
    He is a disgrace to the US and despised world wide.

  7. I wish there was some way to tell when a “MORE” link was going to take me to a NY Post article BEFORE I click on it and freeze up my PC to the point where I have to cancel out of IOTWR entirely (assuming it even lets me). That way I could avoid it entirely.

    I HATE NY Post links.


  8. This should give all those Lesbos surrounding his holiness the Pouf-in-Chief hair rending hissy fits. Maybe they will go bull dyke enough to assault someone and get put away for life in China. Then our supreme leader, Mz Pootypants, will run home screaming for their heads while flopping around his ostrich feathered pen and blackberry.

  9. @Corsair: Thanks for the reminder – believe it or not, I used to know that trick, but I forgot it (along with all the other stuff I thought I was going to remember forever.) Now all I have to do is remember to do that instead of automatically clicking on the link like I normally do.

    Wish me luck.


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