This is pretty awkward for the Democrat in this debate – IOTW Report

This is pretty awkward for the Democrat in this debate

Joni Ernst makes it uncomfortable for her opponent.

She has a sickened smile on her face.

ht/ bad brad

20 Comments on This is pretty awkward for the Democrat in this debate

  1. I caught some of the debate. Bitch was laughing like Joe Biden does when he’s busted. She’s busted.

    I believe Ernst is politically related to Marco Rubio, but I guess we can put up with her until we get someone better.

  2. Dang! This is the caliber of candidate the Commie Dems have put forward across the board! This is the absolute best they could come up with from their presidential candidate to city council seat.

    Our God is SO awesome!!

  3. If someone has documented problems like in their past, why would they make themselves an easy target by running for office? This was low-hanging fruit for Joni Ernst and I don’t blame her for making marmalade out of it.


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