This Is Pretty Much The Whole Story – IOTW Report

This Is Pretty Much The Whole Story

On Ukraine, Biden has painted himself into a corner.

American Thinker:
By David Reynolds

As a retired oilfield training engineer, I have traveled to 38 different countries.  I have worked in Russia and China.  I have never been in Ukraine, but I have been in Romania, which is just across the border.  Not once in my travels to these countries has any of their citizens come to me and said, “We love Americans and want them to like us.  To promote greater friendship with America, we make American visitors feel welcome.  To do so, we give them large sums of money.  We would like to give you three million dollars.  Yours is in this package.  We hope you enjoy it and remember your friends here.”

It’s different when you’re Hunter Biden.  Hunter, who had little or no experience in management and none in the oil industry, went to Ukraine, and a Ukrainian oil company instantly hired him with a salary of eighty thousand dollars a month.  While Hunter was there, then–vice president of the United States Joe Biden happened to notice that the Ukrainian government was investigating the oil company his son worked for.  Joe felt that the investigation was unfair and brought pressure on the Ukrainians to stop and fire the investigators.

Next, Hunter happened to make friends with some Russians and meet the Moscow mayor’s wife.  Hunter, who is an outgoing man, impressed her.  She felt sorry for him having to struggle through life on eighty thousand dollars a month, so she reached in her purse and handed him three million dollars.  She didn’t have any spools of thread in her purse, so there were no strings attached.

Back home, Hunter’s Daddy Joe was getting ready to make a trip to China.  There was plenty of room on the plane, so he asked Hunter to join him on the trip.  Hunter, thinking the trip would give him the opportunity to have a few drinks and an authentic Peking duck dinner, gladly accepted the offer.  While Hunter was walking around looking in the Forbidden City, he happened to meet some Chinese who out of kindness gave him thirty million dollars. more

14 Comments on This Is Pretty Much The Whole Story

  1. The MSM would NOT protect such ASSHOLES unless they, (MSM), got their ‘fair’ share of the goodies.

    Which is why I have always said; the MSM is the biggest threat to America because they keep critical info from the masses.

  2. Corruption runs deep within the Biden mafia. This is not news. Sadly it doesn’t seem to matter anymore. You could take out drool bucket Joe, but you’ll end up with cackling Kamala. You can take out Kamala and you get Nancy Pelosi.
    We are fucked.

  3. @Trump One –
    “…When will the propagadist MSM

    finally admit that he is

    mentally incapacitated…”

    Mentally incapacitated is the least of our concerns, the ass-clown puppet is criminally compromised.

  4. It’s “The Never Ending Story.”
    The Bidens are just one (family) out of many.
    We are experiencing the fall of Medes, the fall of Rome, the fall of Byzantium, the fall of Israel/Judea, the fall of Persia, the fall of the Mongrel Empire, the fall of the Romanovs, the fall of the Hohenzollerns … well … the fall of everyone … an apathetic people governed by greedy, grasping, opportunists.

    We’re living the dissolution, not just reading about it (not that anyone gives a shit).

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  5. I’m f#%^ing sick to death of this. Cronyism, blackmail, selling anything they can get their hands on, betraying the country, treson, sedition. etc, etc, etc. These bastards in government are nothing but criminals, willing to destroy our country for their own gain. Where the f#%^k are the good guys in all this? We didn’t elect them sit on their butts & do nothing. DO SOMETHING, COWARDS!

    Yes, I’m royally pissed…

  6. The imbeciles behind the drooling child molesting cadaver are going to get us nuked.

    China will attack Taiwan while that dripping bowl of rancid gumbo rests in Delaware on his Dementia Drip.

    Every single day this country circles the drain as we draw ever closer to our destruction

    You think inflation is bad now? Without Russian fertilizer the west cannot grow enough food for livestock or humans.

    At this point not even the midterms will save us.

  7. @ PHenry:
    Yeah, we are probably fu#ked, but, if Biden is removed and we get kamala, at that time a new V.P. would be appointed. If Biden and kamala both went down at once, then you get Nancy. The only other way you get Nancy is if they named her VP upon the removal of Biden.
    What a bunch of chickenshit losers we have running things as puppets for the globalists.


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