THIS is speaking Truth to Power – IOTW Report

THIS is speaking Truth to Power

Well done, Kid.

Well done.

The Kid resists the motor-mouthed indoctrinator and teaches her a thing or two.

This woman is more dangerous than the cops she fears.


35 Comments on THIS is speaking Truth to Power

  1. Her mouth never stops yapping the entire time. I run into this often and experience auditory response feedback delay, where I can’t hear myself think. You can’t win in this situation, it’s not worth the process. Her mouth would require stitching and even still you’d have to make her listen.

    I ran into this tonight actually. A fat mexican and her mate were occupying 2 parking spaces right outside the chinese food pickup window, we’re talking prime real estate for grabbing food. I wanted one of the spots, but couldn’t for obvious reasons and caught them right when they wanted to leave. So I blocked them from leaving for about 30 seconds until I saw hands gesticulating out of the window. Went down the row, pulled a U-turn and grabbed the spot they had finally left. She sees me, backs up and they both jump out yelling as if in a rap competition. They A) allowed no opportunity for me to explain their ignorance, nor B) would they listen if I could explain. Not worth it, but certainly worth my 30 seconds to see enraged mexicans. I calmly went inside to get my food with children in tow; they were laughing their asses off. Trying to raise kids right anyhow.

  2. As it is said, “you can’t fix stupid no matter how hard you beat it with a stick.”

    Life is full of those evolutionary moments where one comes to the realization that you are having an encounter with someone who is not playing with a full deck or that all their dogs ain’t barking.

  3. I ran into this on a jury. This one black guy would be asked his opinion, and he would go into long soliloquies about his feelings about things not in evidence. If you waited until the end to address his statements, he would respond with, “That’s not what I said”, and since most jurors had tuned him out after ten seconds,, he would get away a with it.

    So I started interjecting any time he made a definitive statement of error, in an attempt to argue with him point by point. At which point, all the old black lady school teachers on the jury started whining, “You’re not letting Jamal speak”, to which I replied, “No, I’m trying to make him think before he speaks.” You’d have thought I’d whipped out a burning cross.

  4. He calmly, and armed with facts attempts to penetrate the invincible stupidity of a raving leftist crackpot. He’ll never budge anyone that thick but the others listening had to be impressed.

  5. 3RD WINNER,
    Ever listen to a colored person
    jabber mindlessly on an I-phone in line
    at a grocery store or Wal-Mart ??? Endless
    stream of meaningless incoherent words…
    Long ago I came to the realization that you
    cannot explain,use logic,reason or common sense
    on most people I run into.There mouth drops open
    and the head goes side ways like a curious pooch.

  6. She tells him he talks fast so no one else can speak then doesn’t shut up to let anyone else talk.
    Typical, predictable leftist. And, sad to say, typical teacher who thinks she’s smarter than anyone else because she has a teaching degree.
    She’s also a great example of Marxist indoctrination efforts in the classroom.
    Did you hear her answer, “Yes” when he said if we don’t agree with you we’re white supremacists?

  7. This proves once again that Universities sell degrees in education to dumb people who are then hired to spew inane rhetoric in the public schools, by inept and dumb school administrators who are also graduates of those same Universities!!

  8. This “teacher” (hahahahahahahaha) reminds me of the old Peanuts TV cartoons, where Charlie Brown is sitting in class, and all you hear of the cartoon teacher is “mwha mwha mwha mwha”.

    Someone should take this young man’s video and make the teacher sound like the Peanuts cartoon teacher. What an excellent meme that would be.

  9. In case you didn’t go to his YT post, his handle is KidGladsen and this was his intro:

    “She was talking loudly about Trump and I am one of the few right-wingers in my school. So she asked me why I supported him seeing as how I am Latino, and he hates us. I responded saying that he doesn’t hate Latinos, he just wants to remove Illegals from the US. It then shifted to how there are a war on blacks and other minorities because of cop killings, and stated that the FBI statistics I was using were skewered because it was seeded on white supremacy. It finally shifted to where she said how when its a Muslim attack, its labelled terrorism, but Vegas was not since he was white. I told her that so far, unless something turns up, we have not found any political or religious aims, and therefore it cannot be viewed as a terrorist incident because the definition of terrorism states violence in the pursuit of political aim (((anti-fa))). At that point, she claimed multiple times the dictionary was wrong and that she knew more than it. I was only able to capture 90% of the confrontation. Sorry for low quality and my slight stuttering, it comes and goes randomly I have no idea why.”

    He’s plugged in to social media — Twitter, FB, etc.

    So the racist teacher called on him because he’s “Latino” and speaks for the entire Latino collective.

  10. You could hear the other students in the background, and some of them were listening and absorbing her lunacy. He is doing the service to that class by making them hear another side. Some may actually use their brains and ask him more or at least think about what he said.

    The teacher? A Lost Cause.


    -blacks are 25% of the local population, so they should get 25% of the jobs!

    -They are 12% of the NATIONAL population, so they should get 12% of the local jobs.

    -Sure, there are less blacks, but BY PERCENTAGE, they see MORE interactions with police than white people.

    And when you finally tell them that by any statistic, blacks over-represent themselves in the crime statistics, “Well that’s because of racism!”

    Oy! Don’t waste your time with idiot racists.

    I SWEAR: at least 1/2 of the black people where I live exhibit signs of mental retardation, or just extreme stupidity.

  12. and this “teacher” has the authority to say your kid needs to be on adhd meds
    plus most schools get more taxpayer money if they have a certain percentage of medicated kids

  13. He was much more articulate than my daughter when she was in high school. Her history class had a student teacher for the semester and he spewed left wing rewritten history.
    She didn’t engage him in debate like this smart young man.
    She stood up, said, “I’ve had it with your liberal bullshit” and left the classroom.

  14. This film should be played at a public ‘town hall’ meeting of the School District so that they are forced to defend it (at their peril) or act against it (firing this idiot and all like her).
    Politics should NOT be any teacher’s agenda during classroom time. (particularly factually false politics)

    DEFUND these “educational” propaganda mills which are destroying liberty in this country.
    From the kindergartens to the universities, our tax money is being used against our interests.

  15. BFH: I need a new monitor after punching mine. That classroom is a microcosm of the lunacy in our society. We let kids select their gender and wonder why people fly off the handle doing crap we can’t explain (why did the guys shoot 20-some people?). Sooner or later we are going to have to reconcile that we either feed the mental health problem or we start addressing its depth and making the changes that everyone–in their soul–knows is right.

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