This is the ideology the left wants to bring to America – IOTW Report

This is the ideology the left wants to bring to America

Still think the left has the American public’s best interests in mind?


ht/ js

13 Comments on This is the ideology the left wants to bring to America

  1. MSM assures their liberal base the answer is to import millions more Muslims so their “community” will “feel at home”.

    After all, white supremacy is the real problem.

  2. 🌀 So, they are in the stage of evolution in which they haven’t decided yet if rape is justified or not? How far back in history do we need to go to equal a common sentiment like that?

    Part of the solution is to lure rapists somewhere and just hack their nuts off. Like a muslim roach motel.

    👊 FIGHT BACK! 👊

  3. This reminds me:


    âš« Conservatives who are vocal about protecting women, their female family members.
    âš« Who would go out and protect or seek justice on their behalf? âš« Who demand accountability for such behavior and thought?
    âš« Advocate to ARM WOMEN to use deadly force if needed?


    Feminists, LGBTQ, Democrats, and other liberals who stuff their hands in their pockets, look down, and pretend they didn’t hear any of it?

  4. Before going off on all of Egypt remember this is one jerk-off with a big mouth who likely gets invited on talk shows for the ratings that are generated when he says something stupid. We have plenty of those, just about any spokesperson from BLM, Al Sharpton, Maxine Waters, Lisa Bloom and her mother, Larry Flynt etc etc. In this case blame the idiot with his mouth open and the headpipes blown in his brain (or a smart sob counting the appearance fees sending his daughter to Harvard).

  5. Uh-oh: My wife and daughter both wore ripped (fashionably shredded) jeans out to eat yesterday — too bad the Egyptians missed her – she was packing a snub nose 44 under a “female asset” she trained to be able to whip out.

    And so it should go in America.

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