This is the left – IOTW Report

This is the left

They wanted to infect people with Covid at the rally.

ht/ Plain Jane

14 Comments on This is the left

  1. People have already been charged with assault for trying to spread the virus.

    I hope miss Maggie gets a visit from an LOE soon.

    If not, that stupid fucking cunt can go fuck herself, and if there are train tracks anywhere near where she lives, she should go take a nap on the cool steel.

    Fuck off Maggie, sorry you live such a miserable life, but why don’t you let the rest of us live our own, you fucking bitch?

  2. Not only CL, they had ads on FB as well.

    Then the trolls the day after the rally announced became thick on Oklahoma conservative groups. They’re still out in full force claiming nobody was blocked from getting in, that it’s a lie those doing the screening to get in left their post due to the thugs.

  3. Wear an n95 mask if in a crowd, and quit worrying about it otherwise.

    The right wing anti-maskers are a real bad look. Protect yourself, or the .gov will be more likely to take more actions in their own stupid lying way – like by mandating masks on everyone “to protect each other”.

  4. So the gal that was famously dragged out with the I can’t breathe shirt was in black. Was she looking for someone in coveralls, a bare foot person and a person in a KKK all white clan uniform?! As if real supporters wouldn’t know this group of freaks. In fact they were so noticeable they were asked to leave and dragged out. If they believe Trump is losing and they are winning why are they going to such lengths?! Doesn’t seem like winning behavior.

  5. BRAD

    many of my ancesters fought the rebellion on 1776. I understand they did what I did to the ChiCom decades ago. gut ’em with bayonets!

    The important thing, as told my men, is to kill ’em! As in DEAD!

    Throat slitting can be done to a KNEELER but a man fighting back must be GUTTED! Many is the time I scraped blood + guts of my uni after the battle. And puked my guts out the next 5 or 6 mornings!

    Fortunately when in “Indian Country” if you got 6 meals a week you did well. I went from 195 to 140 in 20 months! Weighed my seself at Naval Hospital in Da Nang.



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