This is What BlackLivesMatter Has Been Talking About????? – IOTW Report

This is What BlackLivesMatter Has Been Talking About?????

This makes me want to vomit.

Hey, stupid. Ya you, the stupid one in this stupid tweet.

Name one instance where a black woman called 911 and was talking to the black officer behind the wheel, peacefully, and the white partner leaned over and shot the black woman in the stomach.


Also, this—>

What names? Is Michael Brown’s name on that sidewalk? Because I will personally go there and jackhammer that cement into dust.


18 Comments on This is What BlackLivesMatter Has Been Talking About?????

  1. BLM is a hoax. It was started by the media with Trayvon Martin and culiminated with Michael Brown. Its purpose was (and is) to keep black people frightened so they’ll vote for democrats.

  2. Drudge has not put one single link on his site regarding this murder… I wonder why. It is clear this savage is going to get away with executing this woman, a person doing her civic duty and selflessly trying to help what she believed was another human being in distress.

    The creation of the circumstances that allowed this to happen, where scumbag elected officials defiantly place these muslime savages in positions to wreak havoc and obtain positions of power, is part of the choreographed plan. The refusal to respond to the outcry and anger of the American people is intentional. Stifling our ability to demand justice, to ring the alarm of warning, is all intentional.

    Like the conditioning of the Europenises that stand by and watch their daughters, sisters, wives, and mothers get raped by these animals we too are being conditioned to dismiss this savagery without so much as a peep. We are supposed to accept the equating of this execution with the justified shootings of criminal savages attacking Police Officers. They are reporting this as just “another” example of a cop shooting an unarmed person. Its supposed to be a cop problem and a gun problem…

    Bad times are ahead.

  3. What fucking lunatic gave a badge and a gun to a Somalian?

    Dead innocent blond women is way too high a price to pay for some insane moron SJW’s virtue signalling – which is exactly what hiring this useless piece of shit as a police officer was.

    Stupid, insane, people have no business making decisions that affect other people.

  4. Somalians are some of the dumbest
    humans on the face of earth.No sane
    person or police dept. would ever
    hire one to even mop the floor right ???
    I mean with a whopping avr. IQ of 70 and
    33% of them are clinically insane…

  5. Mike Brown is an American Hero

    I’m sure I’m not alone when I say Drudge sold out. To much pressure from the INTERNET police. I don’t even visit there anymore. Weak Shit.

  6. Just saw the fiancée of the woman shot in MPLS talking to press, and it reminded me that a conservative is a liberal who’s been mugged. She couldn’t have possibly been a threat. Cameras all turned off, three complaints against this douchebag, refusing to be questioned, wtf planet are we on now? Oh, right, this is happening in progressive Minneapolis. Oh well, enjoy your cultural enrichment, Minneapolis. Or grow a pair.

  7. @Bad_Brad July 18, 2017 at 11:35 pm

    An interesting thought.

    So if you have a gun. Because you always have a gun. And your buddy pulls his gun. Because he always has a gun. And he Aloha Snackbars the unarmed pajama person standing next to you. And you dindu nuffin. Who’s side are you on? Who’s side were you always on?

  8. BLM needs to shut the fuck up. Dead criminals in no way equate to a woman reporting a crime in progress, being shot by a savage who NEVER should have had a badge.

    Drag him out and give him a curbie, and dunk his head in pig piss.

    Hell has some dues coming, and this muslim savage can have 72 virgin cockroaches, personally chosen for him by beelzebub.

    (This has REALLY ticked me off.)

  9. “So if you have a gun. Because you always have a gun. And your buddy pulls his gun. Because he always has a gun. And he Aloha Snackbars the unarmed pajama person standing next to you. And you dindu nuffin. Who’s side are you on? Who’s side were you always on?”

    WOW. First of all, I have no friends. And yes I do always have a gun. So if some one pulls a gun and murders some one 50 feet away, I do nothing. I walk away. Those are the rules we need to live by. Is he an imminent threat if he drops his gun and walks away? Is he an imminent threat if he still has the gun and walks away? Is he an imminent threat if he advances towards me with a gun in his hand? Do I have an elevated sense of danger? It’smuch more complicated than it should be. A couple years back ccw were given the green light to stop a felony in progress or a felon fleeing the scene. No more. It sucks.

  10. If you live in mpls. this is the plan for the weekend.
    friday get a hold of a pickup or use your own,loot a couple of sporting goods stores(they wont see it coming with pickups) then burn something down maybe north mpls?far away from scene,( bring your own hotdogs and stuff for smores)
    saturday, block interstate 94 for 3 or 4 houers, then lay siege to welfare office.
    sunday go to church and then pankake breakfast.
    monday back to work.

  11. No friends Brad, no friends Campbell here. A girlfriend from about 40 years ago stuck that on me, it still comes up. You know what I think is kind of chicken shit is posting as anonymous, especially when you’re trying to stick it up someone’s ass. I know we all have our screen names, and for the most part they aren’t real, but when you consistently use the same name you do create a bit of an identity that gives someone an idea of where someone might be coming from. Shit like that pisses me off, maybe that’s why I am no friends Campbell.

  12. as usual, BLM has got it all wrong. This shooting wasn’t about RACE, it was about RELIGION.

    The Filthy Mohammedan Savage masquerading as a police officer deliberately murdered that woman because she was outside at night in her pajamas, unescorted by a male relative and without a burka or headscarf. “She is filth unto Allah(Satan)!”

    The fact that Filthy Mohammedan Savage Officer Noor has lawyered up and refuses to give any statement tells me he is guilty as hell. “Allah made me do it!”, and the stupid leftist jurors of Minneapolis will fall for it and acquit the Mohammedan piece of shit.

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