This is what cops put up with – monsters created by the left – IOTW Report

This is what cops put up with – monsters created by the left

Kind of an infuriating video, in that, a fiery oil tanker didn’t suddenly take her car out, with her trapped inside.

35 Comments on This is what cops put up with – monsters created by the left

  1. The California news is mentioning this a lot. The big “Racists Rant”. A woman. They don’t mention she’s black. I’m certain everyone assumes she was white. But of course that’s their intent. Fan the flames.

  2. We need to fire all cops and just have supervisors. Somehow the memo went around from BLACK KNUCKLEHEAD CENTRAL that supervisors are who you ask for, because they aren’t scary, dangerous, racist or murderers.

  3. What makes me feel good about this video is knowing she will always be miserable and never happy – and you know what else? – never be white! The sad part is she is a teacher.

  4. Heard this on Mark Kaye show. Had a cop call in and that poor police man is Hispanic and had to buy his own body cam to protect him from ignorant people like this. My daughter was in the car at the time and she couldn’t believe it. Age 12. So happy I have her in private school.

  5. Why is this woman’s face blocked out? Why hasn’t her name been released? She claims she is a teacher, doesn’t the parents and the students in her district have a right to know?

    Once again, we see special treatment afforded to the protected classes, once again we see dispensations given to some based on skin color, dispensations that would not be given if the perpetrator was white.

    I really hate the levels of bias our judicial system practices.

  6. “Probably the most infuriating part of the video is she’s a school teacher. And she’s driving a new Mercedes! Such a racist country.”

    There’s a black guy at the gym. Married to a white woman. Nice guy, successful. Living in a gated community. Million Dollar plus home. The guys always mentioning race. I finally told him the other day , get over it. Nobody gives a fuck you’re black. He hasn’t spoken to me since. I guess I’m not racist enough to fill his expectations.

  7. The reason she is driving a white car is because she secretly wishes she were black.

    Some black woman a few years ago said the reason whites like chocolate is because the secretly wish they were black. I figured that logic could work both ways.

  8. She’s definitely teaching her kid to be defiant with cops. Hope he learns better on his own, and doesn’t pull a Michael Brown, and end up the same way.

  9. America salutes this policeman, who offered every courtesy to this miserable “teacher”(?).

    She should be so lucky that many of us Americans were not wearing his uniform on that day…and at that place.

  10. She’s evil, crazy and stupid. Psychos come in all colors, but black psychos are getting a pass by the left. She shouldn’t be “teaching” anybody.

    Really commend that wonderful cop for keeping his cool. I wouldn’t put up with that abuse day after day.

  11. She hates everyone equally. Back in the day, if you acted like that with the local cops where I grew up you would end up in the hospital or the mental ward, or both. What a useless eater.


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