This is what happens when you have an agenda and want to damage a presidency – IOTW Report

This is what happens when you have an agenda and want to damage a presidency

The NY Times wants so badly to make Trump look stupid that they don’t even check what they’ve published in the past, causing a boomerang effect which ends up whacking themselves in their own dick.


18 Comments on This is what happens when you have an agenda and want to damage a presidency

  1. Do you get like a hundred invites a year to subscribe to the New York Times?
    I do.
    And I mail them all back (pre-paid postage) with a big FU** YOU written on and index card.

  2. @Bad_Brad, of course it’s us they hate. President Trump (I love the sound of that) is our proxy. We are a much-hated, faceless rabble but every time they hear, see or read about him, his existence reminds them of us.

  3. The NY Times used to be the gold standard of journalism. They still do some pretty good articles, but you have to disregard anything even remotely political, including global warming. It’s not worth subscribing to once you do that, though.


  4. “All the news that fits” the occasion. (WFB)
    The Old Gray Hag loved Joseph Stalin and Fidel Castro; avoided for years reporting on the Holocaust; supported Bill, Hillary, Barack, and every left winger that ever ran for office; but hated Ronald Reagan, and now hates Donald Trump.
    As Captain Frank Slade said in “Scent of a Woman,” Someone should take a flamethrower to this shithole.


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