This is what NBC hires – idiot thinks Nixon was impeached – IOTW Report

This is what NBC hires – idiot thinks Nixon was impeached

@Politico Playbook. @nbcnews/@msnbc. Phish/Dead fan. jake [at] politico dot com. Author of NYT best seller, “The Hill To Die On”

13 Comments on This is what NBC hires – idiot thinks Nixon was impeached

  1. Nixon resigned I believe?
    Maybe not. To be perfectly honest I’m not very well read on his presidency, and I was never taught anything I could remember about him.

    Either way, perhaps a JOURNALIST ought to double check this before tweeting about it or making a retort about it. Moron.

  2. To be impeached means having the charges leveled and decided in congress. It is correct to say President Johnson and Clinton were impeached, although they were not removed from office.

    Nixon resigned before impeachment occurred, therefore he was not impeached, if my memory is not shot to hell.

  3. Tim Buktu, correct. Nixon came as close as it was possible to be without being impeached. The House was within inches of drafting the charges when Nixon literally saw the writing on the wall.

  4. These same idiots will claim Slick Willie Clinton wasn’t impeached.
    I’m sure some of them think if th House impeached that President Trump leaves office and Hillary becomes President.
    I lived through the Nixon resignation era. I was stationed at Andrews AFB, got caught in a reduction in force, but stayed in the area long enough to complete my masters degree offered at the Pentagon. Interesting time. Vice President Agnew resigned as a result of problems back when he was Governor of Maryland. Gerald Ford was named as replacement VP, and President Nixon resigned. Gerald Ford, the named replacement VP became President, never having ever run for either President ot Vice President.
    On my drives to classes at the Pentagon, they had dramatic readings of transcripts of the Whitehouse tapes. That was where I learned the term “expletive deleted.” They were actual readings, not fictional parodies as rendered by Schiff.
    There was no internet and no 24 hour news channel saturation, but we got a lot on the regular news, especially since the Agnew resignation resulted from his time as Governor of Maryland , and the then current Governor also was having his own problems.


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