This is What the Left is Fighting For – IOTW Report

This is What the Left is Fighting For

10 Comments on This is What the Left is Fighting For

  1. So long as people who recognize what has been going down is totally unacceptable, but are willing to accept that the proponents are “well meaning” but misguided they just don’t get it and are not capable of responding to it in ways that this nonsense demands.

    Here is an excellent example, from a “conservative” voice.

    “A large part of the mainstream support for the transgender mania comes from nice white-lady mothers, pretty much the same well-meaning suburban moms who buy those “In this house, we believe” lawn signs off the arts-and-crafts website Etsy”

    Well meaning, but mistaken would absolutely demand that the failures to deliver what is promised fall randomly and do not always deliver increased innocent human suffering, misery and death. To concede “good intentions” to followers of the progressive political philosophy is never warranted and it is a trap. There is beyond ample evidence that documents what the results of their “well meaning” yields. The world has a century of documentation of what their “well meaning” unfailingly ultimately yields. Their “well meaning” is just as counterfeit, disingenuous and deceitful as their “science.” Both of which are hallmarked by followers of the progressive movement.

    These wolves in nice white-lady mothers cloths either must be motived by malicious intent and are hell bent on supporting the effort to increase innocent human suffering, misery and death or are too damn dumb to be trusted to operate a toilet plunger and hand a guy a clean hand towel.

    You cannot have it both ways, either you can support what most anyone with a functioning conscience recognizes as the implementation of an agenda that without exception ultimately produces pure evil or you can be a nice white-lady. They are obviously mutually exclusive to anyone who professes to be Christian and to not recognize that is exactly what Satan’s minions demand everyone fail to recognize.

  2. But yet you ask every week. Here is the GOP, we have no agenda Except for the fact of having sex with underage boy & girls. We love are constitutes children with all our body & heart.


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