This is where the left is today – The President NOT Being a Secret Russian Operative is Bad News – IOTW Report

This is where the left is today – The President NOT Being a Secret Russian Operative is Bad News

“Dammit! Our citizens WEREN’T bamboozled by a foreign enemy into electing a secret spy that was tasked to undermine our country from within. This is HORRIBLE news!” – The Left


31 Comments on This is where the left is today – The President NOT Being a Secret Russian Operative is Bad News

  1. You will never win an argument with a schizophrenic. When they tell you the sky is green, the sky is green no matter what.. When you take them outside and show them that it’s blue, they’ll say you just changed it.

  2. As dispiriting as all this crap has been there may be a silver lining: maybe, maybe, maybe enough people now understand how evil the media / left is that they will support PDJT. KAG2020

  3. These damn fools in the Media have been putting whipped cream and cherries on a couple of turds, with Harry Belafonte singing Dayo! in the background, and then telling us it’s a banana split!
    Mmmmmmmm – yummy, yummy, eat it up!

    Now it’s their turn to eat shit and die!

  4. Just watched Nadler on CNN say he may or may not accept the findings of either Barr’s synopsis or Mueller’s findings. He will continue to investigate the “broader” crimes.
    The Left is the enemy! They are waging war on us and our country.
    Period end of story.

  5. BFH Your headline is going to be my response to my lefty friends when they start whining about the outcome of the Mueller report-but they have been oddly silent since Friday. Are they in shock, ashamed or just waiting for Adam Schiff to save the day?

  6. No collusion? No matter, Trump is not going to get a moment’s peace for at least next two years. The left’s next line of attack is the SDNY and what they can find re: campaign malfeasance. And if nothing pans out there then we can expect a never ending sea of House subpoenas re: past tax records and past business dealings. It won’t stop because the focus changed the day Trump get elected, changed from legal to political. And allowed to snoop long enough they will find something. The only question is will the voters really care.

  7. They got equally enraged when we learned that the ice caps aren’t melting.

    A guy I know once told me “Would you rather be right or would you rather be happy?” But Leftists prefer being miserable and wrong.

  8. The Grand Illusion has become the Grand Delusion. The carnage is just starting. It will never end until all of Trump’s enemies are emasculated or neutered, and that can’t happen until the 2020 election. This is a modern day, bloodless version of the Reign of Terror conducted by Citizens Schiff, Nadler, and Cummings. They are American Jacobins, pretending to be “Friends of the Constitution” while they attempt to destroy the Trump Administration for its attack on the swamp that they have occupied for decades.

  9. Never, ever concede good intentions to progressives, it is never warranted. Friday I was listening to a Seattle eRepublican station and the former head of the WSRP was giving the exact opposite advice. This is the man whose leadership of that entity ensured that the Republican base would lose faith in the system and just give up. Yep, nowadays Washington Statewide elections are not competitive because of antipathy caused by his throwing in the towel and the eRepublicans all cheered and the base said WTF just happened.

    Dino Rossi won that 2004 gubernatorial election and he and his Bellevue sidekicks stood there watching as Constitutional conservatives begged them to fight tooth and nail and funded the effort. Their stupid strategy, conceded good intentions to Goddamned outright liars, cheats and crooks and the statewide Republican base said: Fuck the bastards, we have always been there for them and they dry shave us every time our priorities are on the table. It’s no use, if they are comfortable letting the rat bastard King/Pierce/Snohomish Democrat machine steal an election in which they were running their man Dino Rossi they must be comfortable with the King/Pierce/Snohomish Democrats running the State, if they weren’t, the election was so openly stolen Stevie Wonder could see it, they would never conced good intentions to those who lie, cheat and steal.

    What did it get them? Dino Rossi couldn’t even win his own District this last cycle. The base just didn’t GAS any longer. Americans will not tolerate a man who looses and laughs about it, and that goes double for those who allow cheaters to prosper.

    That is why Americans love Donald Trump. All true Americans look up to a winner and that is only where it begins, Americans despise a bully and one thing for sure and for certain, Donald Trump is their hero, he is a one man bully busting BAMF who is not going to go along to get along with a bunch of Goddamned liars, cheats and thieves.

    Never forget: this shit would never have gone down the way it did were it not for eRepublicans helping it along. It would have never gotten past the first week.

  10. The Left isn’t going to believe Trump is innocent of the charges against him,

    They’re just going to make a major shift into believing that the Mueller investigation was a phony investigation intended as a conspiratorial coverup of his guilt.

    Watch and see.

  11. This is the gaming the ref phase. They’re screaming bloody murder about The Full Report not being released.

    It’s like, well, nothing has been released. Why don’t you wait until something is released before banging your fucking high chairs about passing out subpoenas.

    Same thing with the non-existent assertion of executive privilege to redact the report.

    Nothing has been put out. Nothing is under privilege yet.

    They can’t help themselves. They are so invested in the lie that the truth smacking them in the face until they are ko’d matters not. They’ll stumble punchdrunk through the next election.

    Fat Jerry, Schiff For Brains and the rest of the D string backbenchers are overplaying they’re hands as usual because they think they can’t be held to account.

    But holding them to account is all that matters now. Them, with hand in glove media coordination, have lied and slandered and libeled. Our institutions shown as hopelessly corrupt. They must suffer the loss of everything.

  12. If conservatives ran Mother Teresa for President, the left would find a problem with her as well. The problem is all in their heads and no one is ever going to fix that. This is who whinny little brats become when they get older, whinny adult brats who want their own way or else all hell breaks loose.

  13. In order to stop the leftist and their endless whinning investigations is to turn the tables on them, and I believe President Trump and our new AG plus many congressional members will do so. The Mueller investigation has exposed much of the lefts (Comey, McCabe, Brennen, the Ohr’s and so many more. I has also exposed the Fisa lies and people involved with it including Hillary’s cabal, oh so much more.
    It is all out in the public sphere for all of us to see.
    So now is the time for a real investigation and transparency.

  14. The opening line of this thread says it all.

    They were mad when they say he was, and they are mad when its proven he wasn’t. They are never happy, the hallmark of atheists.

    Everything is bad/wrong all of the time. Nothing is good to them except maybe the last joint they smoked.

    The Hollywood faction has spent all day bitching on the internet, led by disgusting fat slobbo Rosie O’Donnell.

  15. Some Hollywood freak named Billy Eichner (who is he?) said:

    “Did not imagine a world where they were able to indict Aunt Becky before Donald Trump,”

    Well, a little reading revealed that Aunt Becky is a character on a TV show played by one of those broads who tried to sneak her daughter into USC.

    So, I am left to wonder what the connection is between the cases of Aunt Becky and Mueller’s report. Is there a similarity? Is there anything in common? Anybody know?

  16. @Tim Buktu March 25, 2019 at 12:04 am

    So, I am left to wonder what the connection is between the cases of Aunt Becky and Mueller’s report. Is there a similarity? Is there anything in common? Anybody know?

    The comparison is the ideal that aunt Becky was – clean, honest, sweet, beautiful. Iconic, actually.

    While Trump is evil incarnate and you can’t understand why half of America can’t see it.

    You have to believe in a fake character and not see the human beneath in both.

    His polarization needs flipping. He’ll be fine after that. AKA wires are crossed and the fuse is blown.

  17. Dadof4, excellent take. Let me see if I got this:

    Aunt Becky was a role, a pretend character who was all the decent things you said. But her real self had flaws. Those flaws were just not innocent attempts at navigating life, but a systematic lifestyle of manipulation to get what she wanted at the expense of others.

    Whereas, Donald Trump is who he is; no pretense. Yes, he played a role *as himself* for TV, and he showed who he was in order to own and run his own company. His biggest role yet, President of the United States, is -again- played as himself. As he auditioned for that role, he never pretended to be someone he was not and that translated into, “Yes, I’m not perfect. But I can do the job and deliver what I promised. You are not hiring perfection; you are hiring the man who can fulfill the promises I have made.”

    Something like that?

  18. Yes, Claudia.

    Reagan’s description applies here, in spades.

    “It isn’t so much that liberals are ignorant. It’s just that they know so many things that aren’t so.”

    ― Ronald Reagan

    Simplified, you could say his beliefs (knowledge) about both people are wrong and denies the truths about them to hold onto those beliefs.

  19. Perhaps the Mueller report will propel them in the direction of trying an armed overthrow.

    I actually could not think of a better reaction from them. Let them try the Symbionese Liberation Army track again and see if it works better a second time.

    Would I feel that bad if I saw pictures of them laying in the street shot to hell? Guts hanging out and brains (?) leaking onto the pavement?

    From the mess they have made of America, no, I would not feel bad.


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