“This is why aliens won’t talk to us” -PJW – IOTW Report

“This is why aliens won’t talk to us” -PJW

ht/ P Henry

This, according to British feminists, is going to bring down the patriarchy.


15 Comments on “This is why aliens won’t talk to us” -PJW

  1. These chicks are so cute! They actually think what they’re doing qualifies as fighting.

    Let one of this little grrrrrl-power!!!!! airheads get a sock in the nose from a guy. They’ll crumple like a rag doll.

    Kinda a shame about the one or two of them that could actually be cute if they applied themselves, that they’re drug down into the muck with the wildebeests.

  2. This – apart from two small beefs – is perhaps one of Watson’s best videos ever.

    My two beefs (wrapped into one): Watson should leave off the jokes about fat women and lesbians. I get it, it’s some relief from tension, but it gives his opponents a reason to be alienated from and delegitimizes his whole argument.

    My beef against these foolish women:
    Be fucking creative on your own; quit stealing other people’s ideas.

    Unless you’re performing in a clown rodeo, get that shit off your face when you want people to take you seriously.

    Stop confusing hurt feelings with oppression.

    Go live in Iran for a year.

    Contact us when you’re ready to come home, and by that I do NOT mean with a desperate letter from Evin Prison.

  3. Been saying it for years. Why would any advanced race even try to communicate with belligerent retarded apes. Had tea and engaging discussion with any Fire Ants lately?

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