This is why Chris Hayes gets the MSNBC bucks – IOTW Report

This is why Chris Hayes gets the MSNBC bucks

The Lid-

He made the obvious and totally accurate statement on his show that “the weirdest thing about the Electoral College is the fact that if it weren’t specifically in the Constitution for the presidency, it would be unconstitutional.” 

That’s Brilliant! If it weren’t in the constitution it’d be unconstitutional! The phrase should be added to High School textbooks. It should win an award for being one of the most stupid comments in history.  I suppose he also believes if canned soup isn’t in a can, it wouldn’t be canned soup.


19 Comments on This is why Chris Hayes gets the MSNBC bucks

  1. shhhhhhh …. let’s keep this quiet

    we wouldn’t want AOC (all-out-crazy) to get ahold of this information … you just know she’ll be bobbing her head up & down & thinking this makes way too much sense!

  2. It’s official then. Morons walk amongst us. Some morons get temporarily elected by other morons who pull levers at the direction of other devious morons.

    And thus, tard towns remain tard towns in perpetuity.

    Hey dumbass!
    The founders specifically put it in the Constitution because it was that important, and their way to ensure morons like you wouldn’t get control of an election and destroy the beautiful nation they risked their lives, fortunes and sacred honor to create.

  4. Please, take out your wallet and PAY ATTENTION. He sounds silly; but he is RIGHT. The Supreme Court for the last 70 years has ignored the Constitution. And it has been worse the last 12 years. 4 times since ’09 the court has ignored the Constitution and ruled RomneyCare OK. RomneyCare is not mentioned in the Constitution so the liberals Judges can pretend what is there does not apply.

    If the EC were not specifically mentioned Roberts and hi leftist buddies would outlaw it!

    It has maybe always been so. For sure sinceI was an undergrad it has been so. Case in point. A former great football player , clearly suffering dementia was put on thr Supreme in 62 because the Kennedy Clan was sure he’d always vote as they told him; + let their people write “his”opinions for him. I was told that as a young man, Wizzer White was smart. But he had his head bashed far too many times playing football (He was an All American, before my birth) and by ’60 hew was the Jim Stockdale we saw in ’92 “what am I doing here?”.

    It was clear to those who cared that Wizzer could no longer understand the Constitution. It was also clear he was put on the Court to rule as the Kennedy Clan ordered. And to his credit he so did!

  5. That is just so awesomely profound … it’s like … y’know … I don’t know … one of the most profoundly awesome-est awesomely awesome things that I ever heard … or … actually … read about … at.


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