This is Why the Left Thinks Biden is a Genius – They are Morons Too – IOTW Report

This is Why the Left Thinks Biden is a Genius – They are Morons Too

Is there not ONE person in Biden’s sphere that could have corrected him long ago????

No, there isn’t. All they know is that Biden used a big word, annunciated it, and slowed down to PUNCH it with that stupid grimace that he does. They think it has to be a word because Biden is so “gifted.”

The man is an ABJECT MORON, and so is his “Doctor” wife who has probably heard him say “expodentially” hundreds of times and apparently has never corrected him.

18 Comments on This is Why the Left Thinks Biden is a Genius – They are Morons Too

  1. Wow, he uses that word exponentially.

    In other news gas and diesel are up about 50 cents a gallon in the last couple days in my hood. Is it possible that the Rocket Surgeons working and controlling Brandon Inc miss timed the release of our strategic oil reserve by at least seven weeks? I think so.
    So much for dropping gas prices.

  2. Tucker started off his show with a segment on Europe being reduced to burning wood when they can find it because nobody can afford to heat their homes.

    I sometimes wonder (not for very long because it pisses me off) what the world would look like now without the Great Steal and Trump still in the WH. Who would have thought one little election good have such global repercussions?

  3. “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children’s children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.”

    Ronald Reagan Jan. 5 1967

  4. The pedophile Joe Biden was chosen as “front-man” by the sinister degenerate, and colluding democrat party for his magnitude stupidity and non-intelligence which he’s known for by colleagues. Add that they threw in an inept half-black woman as VP, knowing full well Biden absolutely hates blacks be they race-blended or not and someone who might make the comical non-influential and impotent Biden look good (think Obama-Biden). Fact is they both exposed each other as the vicious parasite buffoons they actually are, here in the nation and globally.

  5. The pedophile Joe Biden was chosen as “front-man” by the sinister, degenerate, and colluding democrat party for his magnitude stupidity and non-intelligence which he’s known for by colleagues. Add that they threw in an inept half-black woman as VP, knowing full well Biden absolutely hates blacks be they race-blended or not and someone who might make the comical non-influential and impotent Biden look good (think Obama-Biden). Fact is they both exposed each other as the vicious parasite buffoons they actually are, here in the nation and globally.

  6. I’m reminded of October 1917 when another group of limp-wristed dicks sized power by deceit. Within 2 years they grew ” intelligence” agencies from 500 to 500000 men and had all their enemies killed or imprisoned. Ring a bell?

  7. “Yes! to this thought I hold with firm persistence;
    The last result of wisdom stamps it true:
    He only earns his freedom and existence;
    Who daily conquers them anew.”

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  8. It’s cute when toddlers keep mispronouncing words. Not so much at the other end of life when they still don’t know any better.

    Announcement of the conception and birth of Jesus to Mary

    I think the word enunciation fits better.

    Was this a purposefully ironic choice?

  9. Remember the fuss about “cofeve”?
    Yeah and I also remember
    In 2017 every single democRAT in Congress voted against Donald Trump’s tax cut!
    In 2022 every single democRAT in Congress voted to raise taxes on the middle class!
    Aaaannnd 1005 inflation in the past 18 months has affected EVERYONE!
    Fuck JB and every single stinking democRAT in Congress!


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