This is why they fear Trump – IOTW Report

This is why they fear Trump

PatriotRetort: For the last few days, I’ve been noodling over the question why is it they fear Trump? And by “they,” I mean the political class and the Enslaved Press.

The attacks they are launching against this man are vicious. And like Rush Limbaugh always says, the Left with tell you whom they fear by whom they attack.

Don’t get me wrong. We all know that Hillary Clinton would sink into the mud to slander and besmirch any Republican who ran against her.

Likewise, the Enslaved Press would have aided and abetted the defeat of whichever Republican was her opponent.

But this no-holds-barred assassination of Donald Trump is beyond anything we have seen before.

Even some reporters who haven’t completely sold out to the Democrat Party are taking notice of just how extreme the Democrats and the Enslaved Press have gotten in their attacks on Mr. Trump.

For days now, I’ve been wondering why.

And I think I might have figured it out.

Is it because Donald Trump is just too “right wing?”

No. On many issues, Donald Trump is probably more moderate than every Republican who ran this year save for Jeb Bush, Lindsey Graham and John Kasich.

These bloodthirsty attacks have nothing to do with his positions. Not the wall or Muslim immigration, not taxes or trade.

They fear Donald Trump. But I don’t think it’s what he wants to do in office that has them so terrified.

I think it’s what he’s already done.

15 Comments on This is why they fear Trump

  1. I loved this. It’s true.

    It’s truly the best thing about DJT. It’s up to us now and forever. We correct the course of our history and stay with that correct course.

  2. Trump just FLOORED me when I just learned about his pre-debate conference with Bill Clinton’s RAPE survivors. GENIUS!!!!!

    Jake Tapper is PISSED he is being forced to address this.

  3. Jerry, Kathy Sheldon is sitting first row dead center. I’m thinking that means the rest of them might be too. Is Trump pulling the gloves off tonight? They better have a crash cart ready for Hitlary.

  4. I agree Trump has “woken up”/motivated people to vote (who normally wouldn’t bother).

    I’m not so sure about the (paraphrasing here) “it’s because he’s getting people to see the future of this country is in their own hands” part.

    Those (let me be flattering here and say FOLKS LIKE US HERE) who already are active/aware of this, are already voting and (have been and will be) doing what they can in their daily lives towards that “end.”

    Those who are voting “for the first time because of Trump” are probably doing so because he speaks to issues with which they fundamentally agree – and haven’t heard from the GOPEunuch (THAT’S what the “e” REALLY stands for!) – such as immigration.

    DO NOT expect these sorts of folks to “carry on” at a later date in “taking the future of the country in their own hands.”

    NEVERTHELESS: UNITED we stand on November 8, bay-bee!!!

  5. Kathy Sheldon is sitting first row dead center? Dayum. I might have to stay up for it live. I have to get up really early, but this has me on fire.

    And Jake Tapper put out because he has to deviate from his template? TFB. Suck it up, Jake.

  6. I don’t know, I’ve got a feeling tonight’s debate will offer up some surprises and some odd resolution to Pussygate that will favor Trump — but not in the usual way. Sorry to be vague, it’s just that I’ve never stopped being surprised in this election cycle.

  7. Mostly agree. Author lost me with the Buffy the Vampire Slayer bit.

    2009 was the mass reawakening, with the birth of the Tea Party movement and 9/12 in DC that year. We made the establishment shiver a bit. They weaponized government against us.

    2012 GOPe pulled a fast one on us. Romney and Ron Paul were the only two on the primary ballot in Virginia for instance. Terrible. And somehow media was able to turn Romney into a monster. He was a terrible candidate but…he’s a monster? Barack truly is a monster.

    I can’t say how this’ll all turn out but between full media onslaught and massive voter fraud I fear the worst. When GOPe piles on it ain’t helpful.

  8. ‘If we don’t care and, more importantly, if we don’t think what we say matters, these parasites can just keep doing whatever the hell they want.’

    Trump lets us know we can fight back and put the fear of freedom in the heads of liberals until they explode.

    I hope if the opposition harps on the tape, Trump tells them he was a democrat at that time, so he is exempt.

  9. For over a quarter century the Clintons have conned, stolen, hoodwinked, swindled, murdered and raped their way to power. People fear the Clinton machine. The biggest thing they fear of Donald Trump is the fact that he isn’t one of THEM. Them being a politician that can be intimidated and/or bought and paid for.
    That’s what the American people are looking for.
    We’ve had enough of RINOs who go-along to get-along.
    Don’t fear the Raper!

  10. The Debates over. And that’s why they fear DJT. Dianny, loved what you wrote but honestly, Sundance was writing this 10 months ago. Welcome to the party. Not trying to be a smart ass. But I do remember our battles over Trump or Cruze.

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