This Isn’t Politics, It’s War – IOTW Report

This Isn’t Politics, It’s War

What the democrats have done, in their desperate attempt to maintain the status quo on the country’s highest court, is official malfeasance and willful vandalism of our country’s institutions.

The awful spectacle of those entrusted with high office rushing to judgment has been an eye opener for the entire nation. Their statements of complete certitude in the vague, but personally destructive accusations, without a single hint of impartially, should give pause to the mindful voter on just who they have been favoring to represent their interest in Washington all these years and if they wish to continue to associate themselves with these villains. More

We as a nation, can not allow this to become the way we allow ourselves to be governed. More


15 Comments on This Isn’t Politics, It’s War

  1. Caddell has made important points very clearly and definitely.

    I have one nit, though. He says:

    What the democrats have done, in their desperate attempt to maintain the status quo on the country’s highest court, is official malfeasance and willful vandalism of our country’s institutions.

    It isn’t vandalism. Vandalism is simply damaging or defacing something. Instead, it’s hijacking and corrupting.

  2. Fuck yes it’s war.

    I initiated a major assault on the local leftists today.

    They’re about to see ugly. By end of week.

    Design your own signs. Make sure they can be read at 45 mph. Pay a printer. Incumbents aren’t up to the task.

    Lay out the truth. It hurts.

  3. a line is being drawn …. those that want to enslave the sheep & ‘We, the People’

    there will always be the majority that just wants to ‘get along’ & just go about their business & keep on grazing. it is so much easier … & besides, the wolves don’t want to take everything (yeah, go ask the Venezuelans)
    … they always keep on grazing because the wolves are held at bay by the sheepdogs

    the wolves are becoming emboldened … the sheepdogs are being beaten down

    won’t be long before the wolves overpower the sheepdogs. there is no one to help them, as they become fewer & fewer … & then, guess what’s for dinner?

  4. It IS war because our adversary wants conservatives in jail, ruined, and destroyed. Life to them is a contest to win at any cost. So as we prevail they should receive exactly what they planned to do to us. That is justice. Ignore their screams and carry on.

  5. i know this will rankle many of you folks….too bad….

    there is NO WAY the sentencing of bill cosby today is a coincidence…..if AMERICA’S DAD can be guilty of this, so can this guy you never heard of before, brett kavanaugh….

    but, of course, there is the argument that THE WOMAN MUST BE BELIEVED!!!

    ….unless her name is juanita broaddrick, right?

    my husband is currently employed installing internet access….for some reason, he does not understand my trepidation whenever he is alone with some anonymous female in the course of his employment…..well, there is the fact that we don’t have “deep pockets” and will probbly not be accused or sued…..

    on the other hand, we DO have a very nice house that we built with our own hands, on a very nice six acres of land……

    we could lose all that very easily, if one of his “customers” decided to “kavanaugh” him…..

    if all it takes is an unconfirmed, unsubstantiated accusation with NO EVIDENCE WHATEVER….

    not one of us is safe…….


  6. this kavanaugh circus is proof that barry succeeded in his “fundamental transformation” of our country…

    you are now presumed guilty until you prove your innocence…..

    woman have penises……

    men menstruate……

    there is no such thing as “objective reality”……

    “feelings don’t care about your FACTS”……


  7. This is the swamp which is a leg of global power. The swamp will be conquered but will take a long time must start with school choice for parents stuck in these PC schools that are sliding Islam into elementary schools and anti-American teachers constantly bombarding our children with gender trash and America is the problem. Why not take charge of PBS and begin teaching American values at the young children have English classes on these shows, make English only in our schools, have summer school for English classes put American classic movies on PBS instead of British shows a lot can be done but if voters vote Dems it will stop and possibly become a powder keg in the future with Dems supporting Muslims instead of born American the Dems are now pushing for Muslims over American values because their ideas are failing and they need votes.

  8. Why doesn’t anyone ask the socialist/totalitarian/nihilistic/so-called “Demonrats” what they find objectionable in a Constitutionalist?

    Simple question.

    Why is a Constitutionalist supposedly a threat to Roe v Wade?
    Why is a Constitutionalist allegedly a threat to women?
    How does the Constitution, which is a document that circumscribes GOVERNMENT – not INDIVIDUALS – which, differing from every other nation on Earth, and that has ever been on Earth, begins with “We, the People …” pose a threat to anything other than excessive government?

    Everyone in Government, in the Media, and in Academia plays the pussy and dances lithely around the fundamental issues of our time – prevaricating and dissembling, knowing that the “average Joe” is too consumed in his own business to GAF about the machinations of the political hacks and thieves and liars infesting the three branches of Gov’t.

    “All that is necessary for the Triumph of Evil is for Good men to do NOTHING.”

    Thus we lurch from one contrived crisis to another while our foundations are washed away by a river of lies.

    izlamo delenda est …

  9. its about time you realized this it is war the republicans use Napoleonic battle tactics and the democrats use alinsky and Mao’s tactic of Guerrilla warfare. We need to fight fire with fire.

  10. @Sabre22 We have no means to fight, there is no battlefield
    No defined lines drawn. We are waiting for Sumter to be fired upon. But I’ll tell you what, when Kavanaugh ripped into them he was speaking for me, even more so Lindsey Graham who I despised until he let them have it.
    The first move in any war is to take away the enemy’s communication, the media has got to be hit and decisively.

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