This just in from Hollywood moron – IOTW Report

This just in from Hollywood moron

43 Comments on This just in from Hollywood moron

  1. Great, she is on record of supporting sex slavery and the murder of guys. if I have a voice that she could hear I would remind her of these facts every time occasiona permits.

  2. She could have saved space by simply writing “I’m an imbecile.”

    But, Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Mussolini, and that retarded guy in the movie all had their admirers, too.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Cool. Now we need to hear from Cher, Kathy, Griffin, Alec Baldwin, Sean Penn and Rob Reiner among others.

    I have waiting anxiously to hear their endorsement of Joe’s latest disaster. Maybe Cher did move to Jupiter. We can only hope.

  4. The only positive accomplishment Biden has while he has been president is to show the world how great President Trump was.

    Everything else Biden has done has hurt the American economy, weaken US self sufficiently, turn his back on citizens in need, or given US secrets to our enemies. He is not a leader.

  5. Dear Jesus, I have never seen such ignorance displayed by Biden supporter’s “Blind” loyalty to the destruction of the United States.
    God help us to defeat this evil.

  6. If Mint Milano stands with the POTATUS, does that mean she like to fondle little girls and sniff their hair, too? On camera?

    #IStandWithBiden only when it comes to ice cream and naps. Other than that, he represents everything I despise. But y’all knew that.

  7. if she’s going to ‘stand with biden,’ she’ll have to wake him up first.
    show him ice cream- that seems to work. Just don’t give it to him until he’s out of bed and dressed. With pants on.
    And be prepared to hold him up
    Or pick him up.
    he’s a failure

  8. He’s doing an incredible job of handing us over the CCPm and turning the US into a third world shit hole. You are a communist cunt Alissa. Enjoy death at their hands. Your usefulness is only temporary.

  9. This child is the epitome of virtue signaling.
    A full blown narcissist with no acumen or awareness that people are cringe laughing at her.
    About as deep as a puddle.
    Sees a couple of inches past her nose and that’s about it.

    “Look at meee…I’m important!”

  10. Her Twatter followers who agree and support Biden are all TWATS – female liberals with one exception, probably a queer.

    In the Twatterverse men are not commenting on Alyssa Top Knot’s support for Joek.

  11. Her book title, “Sorry, not sorry” is a perfect depiction of her outlook on life up to the present, spoiled and bratty.
    She thinks if she continues spouting off unoriginal comments, somebody somewhere will take her seriously. So she watches shithead Don Lemon to steal his stupid ideas for her Tik Tok followers. (She thinks he’s “clever.”)

    There’s a reason why Democrats don’t parade her across political talk shows.
    She’d be a walking embarrassment every single time.


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