This lady stopped plucking her bushy eyebrows and removing her mustache in order to “weed out conservative people” from her life – IOTW Report

This lady stopped plucking her bushy eyebrows and removing her mustache in order to “weed out conservative people” from her life

So, let it be known, according to this dumbass, likes and dislikes, in terms of sexual aesthetics, fall along political philosophies.

I know one thing for certain, leftism attracts mentally ill, judgmental, bitter, paranoid malcontents.

ht/ nm


76 Comments on This lady stopped plucking her bushy eyebrows and removing her mustache in order to “weed out conservative people” from her life

  1. Rule 5 “Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon. There is no defense. It is almost impossible to counterattack ridicule. Also it infuriates the opposition, who then react to your advantage.”

  2. I am a hairy Italian, (Her stache is one pimply high school freshman would even shave or be ridiculed for). I pluck/laser/electrocute/shave for myself for the same reason she is decorating herself with dainty pearl earrings. I look and feel better.

    And as a woman, I call BS that it’s only guys who give her “looks”.

  3. …that would actually be a HUGE favor if evil actually did go around looking as bad outside as it is inside, we should ENCOURAGE this whenever and however possible, and thanks for making your mental illness visible, it’s a blessing to see so prominently that you’re someone to avoid…

  4. I think she’ll do fine with the mustache and wicked eye brows. She has more of the sperm donors genes than the egg donor, but who knows, maybe Mom has a mustache too. NBo9 matter what she does, conservatives will always be around. 🙂

  5. No matter what she does, conservatives will always be around. Liberal women are ugly, so she has to live with it. I surround myself with conservatives, that’s how I keep my sanity.

  6. @ ǝpɐɥsʇɥɓᴉuɹǝdnS MARCH 4, 2021 AT 11:37 AM

    …that would actually be a HUGE favor if evil actually did go around looking as bad outside as it is inside, we should ENCOURAGE this whenever and however possible, and thanks for making your mental illness visible, it’s a blessing to see so prominently that you’re someone to avoid…

    It is not absolute, but radical progressivism does tend to manifest in that dynamic. There are photo montages of side by side pairs of good looking chicks who became downright repulsive looking as they descended into radical feminism.

  7. i was telling my wife that using the description “facial hair” instead of whiskers is yet another attempt to feminize masculinity.

    But this, this is a human facial brillo pad only a mother could maybe, sorta, love, possibly.

  8. @ geoff the aardvark MARCH 4, 2021 AT 12:16 PM

    It happens from time to time. I can’t figure out what happens, but it may be due to someone spamming the site and measures taken to fight that are taking out comments they should not have

  9. JDHasty MARCH 4, 2021 AT 12:08 PM

    I’m passing that link on…

    So sad really…

    Used to think it was enough to put the “Coexist” bumper sticker on your Prius, but obviously bragging about your mental illness with that one is no longer sufficient.

  10. JDHasty
    MARCH 4, 2021 AT 12:08 PM

    …those are absolutely tragic. I’m both saddened and disgusted that such lovely young women can be turned this way.

  11. @ ǝpɐɥsʇɥɓᴉuɹǝdnS MARCH 4, 2021 AT 2:13 PM
    @ Anymouse MARCH 4, 2021 AT 1:04 PM

    This illustrated where/where Critical Theory is designed to take populations, it also conditions weak minded individuals to hate themselves. Once people are consumed by self hatred it is an easy step to direct them to project that self hatred onto everyone and anyone. We have seen that dynamic play out in Seattle and Portland where individuals have been particularly susceptible to these tactics.

    In a way those who have been coopted are victims and could possibly be candidates for sympathy… but what prevents me from going there is that it impresses me as their arrogance and diabolical narcissism that has lead them to that point.

    Their hatred for others and their hostility to The Good leaves me with nothing but indifference to their suffering, pity is even more than I can muster any longer.

    When you consider their attacks on innocents and their compulsion to increase innocent human suffering, misery and death… I have nothing but contempt for the subhuman pieces of shit they have willingly devolved their existence into.

  12. Shame on you snooty people. Sheesh!

    She is doing this for a stupid reason, but my relatives here and in the Balkans don’t shave their face, pluck eye brows and probably not legs or pits. Women shaving is not part of the peasant culture. So what? Would you like to dump on my female olive green relatives who genetically get heavy eyebrows and fluffy mustaches?

    Stay the hell out of Eastern Europe.

    If you don’t like unshaven women just move along.

    Not many of you criticized her stupid reason for not shaving, it was mostly attacks on her appearance.

    I am not going to say what I shave or don’t shave.

  13. So that’s what the ladies do when locked up inside the potty for all those hours: pluck their eyebrows and shave their mustaches! I must have been absent then they gave that lecture to the boys gym/health class in Jr. High!

  14. “Let it fly in the breeze and get caught in the trees
    Give a home to the fleas in my hair
    A home for fleas, a hive for bees
    A nest for birds, there ain’t no words
    For the beauty, the splendor, the wonder of my Hair”

    Now we know why they wear bourkas.

    izlamo delenda est …

  15. What I wouldn’t give for those eyebrows! At least I’d have something to work with. LOL! The mustachio is a bit much.

    I agree with the comment up above: If she ever did have a conservative in her life, she probably owes them some money. That’s funny!

  16. Like it or not, (for the sighted) the first impression comes from the visual.
    We are either attracted or repulsed – or in the case of many (if not most) – we simply don’t perceive each other as other than background.

    People make themselves into freaks because they want to be noticed. ANY kind of notice is better (for spoiled children) than being ignored.

    It takes time, effort, and some interest to get past the façade and know the person inside – and we simply don’t have the time or the inclination to do that with everyone we run across.

    This is her “Hey! Look at me!” moment – nothing more.

    izlamo delenda est …


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