This Looks Fake – It’s Not – Dude Shrugs Off Multiple Shots To His Chest – IOTW Report

This Looks Fake – It’s Not – Dude Shrugs Off Multiple Shots To His Chest

He finally falls.

At one point the cop must be thinking, “did my asshole buddies put blanks in my gun?”

Story HERE

26 Comments on This Looks Fake – It’s Not – Dude Shrugs Off Multiple Shots To His Chest

  1. FYI, your link is behind a paywall.Here is a free one with a much better video;

    I could live to be a hundred and I still would never understand why these fat cops are on the streets, they are a disgrace. Your very life depends on you being able to defend yourself so that you can go home after your shift. The ability to go toe to toe with any bad guy out there that wishes you harm will increase your odds of surviving. His physical condition is hot, his tactics were shit, and he is damn lucky that the stick he was struck with did not incapacitate him to the point where the bad guy could finish him off.

  2. If anyone can’t read a link, due to a paywall, just use

    Copy/paste and let the site do its work, may take a few seconds…unless it was already archived and it will open in a couple of seconds. Have yet to find a paywall it can’t get open.

  3. We always taught the MOZAMBIQUE, in defensive shooting it’s 2 shots center mass and one to the head! You never know when your attacker might be high AF or wearing body armor!

  4. I thought Rich was recent CHP? Maybe not. That fat cop is shooting low center mass instead of CNS. No body with brain one shoots center mass any more. Not for like twenty years.

  5. His body was affected by the shots: notice how his jugular vein broadens with each shot that hits him. The guy must have been on angel dust or the like which deadened him from pain:

    “One of the formerly legitimate uses of PCP was as a veterinary anesthetic. It makes pain all but irrelevant to the user. This lack of pain response is what leads to the myth that PCP gives people superhuman strength”:

  6. But the perp was white? If he had been of color the cop woud be charged with violating his rights or some such.

    Or am I racist for thinking this?

  7. That’s 15 minutes from where I live. I don’t remember hearing about it in the local news.
    Peoples Republic of Montgomery County, MD. Otherwise known as LIBTARDIA.

  8. I read that the gun was a .45 Auto. I once pumped seven rounds of .45 Auto ball ammo into a deer while hunting at 25 feet away. It stood there and took every round and finally took off running after the seventh shot. It didn’t go far. I’m still amazed.

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