This Makes Me Sick – IOTW Report

This Makes Me Sick

26 Comments on This Makes Me Sick

  1. hamas will murder the child before giving it back. probably something really heinous and then videos to the world celebrating the death of one more Jewish.

  2. The horror is he was kidnapped by Hamas and his chance of surviving the savagery is 0%. He probably is not alive. It would be a miracle if he is given the circumstances.

  3. The day after the raid these animals were parading around some poor dead girl, have clothed, limbs twisted in unnatural positions. Raped to death. Eventually they removed her head and chopped up the body. Just the initial picture had the veins in my neck poking out. Well they’re poking out again. There’s no room on this planet for these animals. Hell, they give animals a bad name. And the idiot little college kids supporting them know nothing of this. People suck.

  4. God was very clear with the Jews, back when they were just ‘the people’. They failed to follow instruction, repeatedly and willfully. They were warned what would occur but insisted on going their own way on the subject. We see the result.

    Thinking about little ones being abused makes me get really unpleasantly inclined.

  5. Slightly off topic is IOTW going to have a drinking content for Thursday’s so-called debate between bidumb and Trump. And what do we win if we guess it right when joey completely loses it on stage and spontaneously combusts in a shower of fire and brimstone or turns into a pillar of salt.

  6. geoff – Drink up Shriners!
    That old fuck is enough to drive any sane American to drink!
    Sooooo it’s drinks for everyone on me if the demented old bastard falls off his perch!

    -> If he does, just send me a note via BFH and I’ll seen you a FAX of yer favorite drink.

  7. In case there are questions remaining, Hamas and Hezbollah = Palestinians and Palestinians = Hamas and Hezbollah. No mercy. Shame on this pussy” president for trinity to tying Netanyahus’s hands.


  8. There isn’t a single solitary individual who supports or has cast a legitimate vote for ANY Democrat since at least March of 2020 that isn’t just hunky dory with this. Not one.

  9. Earlier today, I saw a video of this baby and his father playing. The baby was laughing like we all see in those precious videos.

    I decided to not link to it because my heart was too broken.

  10. Walter’s post was the most racist post I have ever seen here on IOTWREPORT!

    Jews and/or any other group of peoples do not, repeat, do not deserve to be treated inhumanly.

    God has dealt with the Jews and chose to bring the Savior of the world, the seed of Eve, and a descendant of Abraham, into the world to redeem and reconcile it.

  11. I am not calling Walter racist, just the mistaken attitude that Jews deserve what they get…It goes hand in hand with the reprehensible “replacement” theology some Christian (generally extremely far right) denominations have regarding the belief that God abandoned the Jews…He didn’t.

    Israel and Jerusalem will play an extreme part in the coming end times as God restores His covenant.

    The only real mistake the Jews made was not to destroy the peoples of Gaza (as God demanded) along with the others when they returned from the land of Eygpt. The people of Gaza have remained blood enemies of the Jews to this day.

    So Walter I apologize if you think I called you a racist.

  12. ^^^^^ Dude, Walters post is historically correct and I don’t think he was being racist. After all, the dumb bastards still vote Democrat. And unfortunately that effects me and mine. Really dumb.
    Having said that I hope they erase Islam off the map. Everywhere.

  13. EVERYTHING I NEEDED to know about mohommedanism – I learned on Nov.4, 1979; nothing those monkeys have done in the 45 years since has improved my opinion of them one iota!

  14. That baby, if still living, will be indoctrinated with Hamas-thought and taught to wear a “martyrdom vest” and chant anti-jewish slogans. Then Hamas may “free” him to return to Israel.


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