This Makes No Sense, This Only Happens To Black People – IOTW Report

This Makes No Sense, This Only Happens To Black People

20 Comments on This Makes No Sense, This Only Happens To Black People

  1. Riverside California. Interesting enough if a ccw made that shoot he’d be headed to jail. There’s an equal force clause for ccw’s. Gun vs knife won’t cut it if the guy was just standing there. Which he was.

  2. Criminals and mentally cases should not have guns, but they do and use weapons with no regard for anyone.

    The guy brandishes a weapon and in a split second could have turned it on the deputy. The deputy should get credit for a good shoot. His decision to shoot protected the public – who knows, the guy could have used that gun on someone who pissed him off or surprised him.

    Also, hesitation by the deputy could have resulted in one less decent LEO who doesn’t return to his family. There are more good police officers than bad ones. Too much is invested in recruiting and training LEOs to undermine an approved, lawful procedural decision made by a police officer. I’m gonna be on side with the police officer, unless he’s obviously wrong.

  3. One wonders if the families of the more aggressive unstable dudes actually feel a bit of relief when this happens. There’s grief, but the stress of constant unsafe turmoil is ended.

  4. reminds me way back when i was 14yo. got pulled over by officer kline while on my bicycle at 5am riding to school. he seemed to think i ran a red light. i remember being in shock by the fact that he pulled along side me and ordered me to stop. mowed plenty a lawn to get the 30 dollar fine. i think he had been watching me for weeks run that red light at 5am trying to get to school on time. i saw that motorcycle cop every morning thereafter for a week sitting at that intersection waiting for me, i would stop and wave. the court and the officer had no interest in the fact that the light would not change unless a car would bring in the metal detector for the light. i would wait sometimes 15-20 minutes for a car to come along and bring in the light. i think officer kline finally figured out what i was talking about because after awhile i didnt see him. this was my first lesson in “travel freely”. this was also my first lesson in unreasonable state authority from the officer to the judge. as a child my new morning mo was slow down, check for cops and run the red light. the lessons we learn as children of the state.


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