This man could have just cost Hillary her White House ambition— – IOTW Report

This man could have just cost Hillary her White House ambition—

The man that lost Clinton the race

22 Comments on This man could have just cost Hillary her White House ambition—

  1. It may not be enough. But by the grace of Allah and the stupidity of the Bushleaguer and Omohamid administrations, there are thousands more who will follow the Path of Righteousness and make Hillary choke on the words Isamic Extremism. So it is written, so it shall be.

  2. And this was supposed to be the week that Trump was going to lose his focus and discipline. All the computer models said so. Yet husband is still dickin’ bimbos, and she’s still dogged by bombos.

    Go ahead and empathize, bitch. That’s who you are.

  3. The more exposure she has, the worse she appears.
    That’s mostly why she lays low.

    Just as a leotard can’t change its stripes, and a tigris can’t change its spots, neither can a lying, treasonous, sack of monkey-shit become a sow’s ear.

    Or something like that …

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Her follow up press conference to her sleepy and dopey one on the plane this weekend was devoid of any sense. Her designer has found a new textile manufacturer for her bulky overcoats and has succeeded in making her look even more Granny. I just cannot believe that people reeeeeally want to have this woman in charge of the country.

  5. Emphasis on the word “could”. A few more of these and then I’d be convinced.

    Liberals don’t mind voting for a dying candidate, but won’t vote for that same candidate if they are in danger of dying.

  6. CNN has already trimmed away the first few seconds of her comments yesterday. The MSM will gladly sacrifice themselves as long as Hillary can lazily float on to the presidency on their deceased carcasses. Because they know a Clinton presidency ensures their continued success.

  7. Why the hell are we even bothering vetting these animals? Keep them out …. period. We don’t need medieval savages running amok through our streets.

    My daughter text’d me last night, she walked right past that fucking bomb site two hours before it blew. Fuck these people. They’ve been at each others throats for over a thousand years and now they’re at ours.

    Fuck. Them.

    Keep ’em in their shitholes and either convert them or kill them. No reason in the world to let these inhuman festering sores to be spreading their hate in America.

  8. Mr. Sig94,
    25 years ago, my daddy visited me in the “rehabbed” warehouse I was living in down in alphabet soup. Gunfire broke out on the street below. He told me to grab all my meager gear and piled me into his Jeep and back to Connecticut we went. It’s still not safe there for anyone’s precious daughter!

  9. Miss Deplorable – her mother and I were not happy with her decision to move to NYC, even though my grandparents were from Queens. But she’s an adult and believe it or not NYC is a whole lot safer than it was 25 years ago. Still wish she was back upstate even though the chance of getting killed in my city is more than 3X greater than in NYC (15.3 per 100k v 4.1 per 100k in NYC).

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