This might be the grossest thing you will see in awhile – IOTW Report

This might be the grossest thing you will see in awhile

I’m not sure this is even real. It seems impossible. But here goes–

A guy was coughing, a lot. He started coughing up blood.

At one point he coughed up a blood clot that was an exact cast of his bronchial tree.

Do you understand what I’m saying?

If this emerged from me during a coughing fit I’d probably drop dead. Talk about “coughing up a lung.”

Here’s a picture.

By the way, the guy passed away later that week from heart failure. He was only 36.


21 Comments on This might be the grossest thing you will see in awhile

  1. That’s wild. FWIW, in my experience, unless it’s congenital, severe heart failure in a young person today is usually related to drug use. Meth destroys heart function. Very sad. (ER/ICU Nurse).

  2. Indimex is spot on. Young person with Infective endocarditis? IV drug abuser. Young person with pacemaker? Cocaine.

    Those infective endocarditis cases usually have no insurance and end up costing your hospital easily a half million dollars. So when you wonder why your hospital is shutting down, chances are awfully good these are a contributing factor.

  3. “Hillary horks up things like this all the time. Remember her spitting that blob into her water glass?”

    …Hillary has a bit of a different problem. HER issue is simply long-term sequale from eating too many dead babies at spirit-cooking sessions and having too much evil for too long to keep it ALL inside anymore. Remeber Lady Macbeth importuning HER dark spirits to help her in murder for political gain?

    “… Come, you spirits
    That tend on mortal thoughts, unsex me here,
    And fill me from the crown to the toe top-full
    Of direst cruelty! make thick my blood;
    Stop up the access and passage to remorse,
    That no compunctious visitings of nature
    Shake my fell purpose, nor keep peace between
    The effect and it! Come to my woman’s breasts,
    And take my milk for gall, you murdering ministers…”
    -Shakespeare, “Macbeth”, Act 1, scene 5

    …well, Hillary did that for REALZ. And she’s been at it so long, the thick blood and bile HAVE to exit EVENTUALLY…

    …or, the coughing is a symptom of esophageal varices caused by long-term alcohol abuse and incipient liver failure. Take your pick.

    Although BOTH could be true…

  4. “…Well, this country elected Obama…”

    …while I don’t duspute you conclusion, @Dan Ryan Galt, there is one problem with your thesis.

    The way this SHOULD read is,

    Well, “this” country “elected” “Obama”…

    …point being, his name is Barry Soetoro, NOT Obama (never legally changed), there’s considerable questions about if he was actually “elected” (certainly the SECOND time), and if he WAS elected, it was because of influence from OUTSIDE the United States and illegal voters from other countries, so it wasn’t THIS country that “elected” him.

    Everything about “obama” is shady as hell, and it ALL needs quotes.

    …that said, your conclusion is good whichever way you punctuate your premise, because Obama is something REAL BAD we should have expectorated LONG ago from the body politic…

  5. …also, I would encourage everyone to find a way to spend some time in an ER. Do it as an aide, chaplain, medic, janitor, intake worker, doctor, or nurse…any capacity you can, other than as a patient or a patient’s loved one. You’ll see many, many interesting things in a COMPLETELY random order that will definitely challenge your ideas about what a human body can produce, what it can withstand, and what a human mind may think was a good idea once, that ended up getting them there in the FIRST place…

    Oh, you’ll also be very bored for L-O-N-G stretches of time (drama can be high, but WILL be infrequent in most non-Chicago places), so bring a book. Just not one you treasure, since it may get something ookey in it during one of the times you are NOT bored…

  6. I think the guy was possessed by the devil. They always cough up some nasty looking pleghm or something, and it usually smacks the priest in the face. I’ve seen that in the movies.


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